error when using audioread within new function my_DFTwin
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Dear all , Hi , Please I have a new function named my_DFTwin , I need to use audioread of audio file '' , and use the signal and sampling frequency as inputs to the function or i need to load as .mat ,
but i get error
Error using zeros NaN and Inf not allowed,
so what would be the solution ? , function is below
function my_DFTwinmy_DFTwin( frame_duration,index,n_overlap)
% This function will compute the DFT of a windowed length L segment of the vector x.
% The window would start at the index of the signal
signal_duration=L/Fs; % duration of the whole speech signal in seconds
frame_length=ceil(frame_duration*Fs); % Number of samples of the window
nfft = 2^nextpow2(frame_length); % Number of DFT points
w = hamming(frame_length); % type of window
for k=index:floor((L-n_overlap)/(frame_length-n_overlap))
y(:,k)=[zeros(1,(k-1)*n_overlap) w' zeros(1,L-frame_length-(k-1)*n_overlap) ]'.*signal;
P1(:,k) = Y(1:nfft/2+1,k);
P1(2:end-1,k) = 2*P1(2:end-1,k);
figure(1) ; plot(1000*(0:dt:signal_duration-dt),signal,'r') ; grid ; xlabel('Time in m seconds ') ; ylabel('Amplitude')
figure(2) ; spectrogram(signal,hamming(frame_length),n_overlap,nfft,Fs,'yaxis');
4 comentarios
Walter Roberson
el 14 de En. de 2020
I changed
function my_DFTwinmy_DFTwin( frame_duration,index,n_overlap)
% This function will compute the DFT of a windowed length L segment of the vector x.
% The window would start at the index of the signal
function my_DFTwinmy_DFTwin( signal, Fs, frame_duration,index,n_overlap)
% This function will compute the DFT of a windowed length L segment of the vector x.
% The window would start at the index of the signal
and after loading your go.mat I invoked
my_DFTwinmy_DFTwin(signal, Fs, 0.962625, 1, 40)
I did not encounter any error.
Please confirm that when you do
that Fs is set to 8000 . I suspect it is being returned as 0.
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