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use filter function with digitalFilter object created with highPass fucntion

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
omri r
omri r el 21 de En. de 2020
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
I'm creating digitalFilter object using the highpass fucntion.
The result signal of the highpass function looks quite good and how I expected it to be.
Then, I'm trying to use the filter funciton with the digitalFilter object created with the highpass fucntion.
I'm getting different results - for the filter fucntion with the digital filtter object, I'm getting pulling down of the signal for short periods of time.
i.e. - the signal_1 (blue) and signal_2 (yellow) results of the following 2 lines should be the same (but they are not).
The wanted outcome is signal 1.
Any Idea what is the issue would be greatly appreciated.
[signal_1 fhp] = highpass(inputSignal,0.125,fs,'Steepness',0.5,'StopbandAttenuation',20);
singal_2 = filter(fhp,inputSignal);
The rerulted fhp is the following:

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