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plotting I-V curves

17 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Timothy Schackne
Timothy Schackne el 24 de Mzo. de 2020
Respondida: Joel Van Sickel el 2 de Feb. de 2023
I am fairly new to MATLAB, and I am trying to plot I-V curves with temperature as a variable. With a changing temperature Voc has multiple answers, and so does Ipv. I would like to plot multiple curves that start at Isc (y axis) and end at Voc (x axis), but when I go to plot the two using the plot comand I get one straight line starting from the origin. The Code I used is below. Any help firguring this out would be greatly appreciated!
Isc = 8.7 % short circuit current
S = 1000 % apparent power
ns = 30
np = 40
n = 1.95 %Ideality factor
K0 = 0.0017
Tr = 300 % refrence temperature
Is = 1.2*10^-7 % diode reverse saturated current
q = 1.602*10^-19 % electron charge
K = 1.38*10^-23 %Boltzmann constant
Rs = 0.013
Rp = 3.5
Vd = Isc*Rs
T = [233.15, 253.15, 273.15, 293.15, 313.15, 333.15] % Absolute temperature
Id = Is*(exp((q*Vd)./(1.95*K*T))-1)
Voc = ((n.*K.*T)./q).*log((Isc./Id)+1)
Ipv = np.*((Isc+K0.*(T-Tr))./(100)).*S-(np.*Is.*(exp((q.*Voc)./(n.*K.*T.*ns))-1)-((np.*Voc)./ns.*Rp))
  9 comentarios
darova el 24 de Mzo. de 2020
Looks like you should have 3 values of Isc to create 3 curves
Timothy Schackne
Timothy Schackne el 24 de Mzo. de 2020
The example in the figure uses three values for Isc, but for my example the curves should all start at the same point on the y axis ( the single Isc value). Is it possible to have all the curves start at the same point?

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Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel el 2 de Feb. de 2023
The problem is this. You have a set of equations that answer this question: given a short circuit current, what is my open circuit voltage? What you want is an equation that answers this question, given a load (o ohms being short circuit) what is my circuit load current and voltage? You could then sweep the load from short circuit to open circuit to generate the operating curve. While that equation probably is somewhere in literature, the more common approach is to use circuit simulation to get the results as shown here:

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