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How can I solve a algebraic equation with "fzero" ?

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Lu Zhao
Lu Zhao el 1 de Mayo de 2020
Comentada: darova el 4 de Mayo de 2020
Solve "w" from an agebraic equation f [w; k,m,S,a]=0 . (All other symbols are constant values. The equation is shown in the end of the code)
(1) Question: How to use "fzero" to solve this equation numerically? (The code is shown below, but it doesn't work.)
(2) I've already know the solution of "w" , (shown in the figure below) "w" is a complex number, with real part "wr" and imaginary part "wi". I understand there are a lot solutions exist, but I would like to write a program and get the solution the same as the figure.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help.
Here is the program, which doesn't work:
%The equation is shown at the end. f[w; k,m,S,a]=0; where "k,m,S,a" are constant values. I would like to solve "w".
%define constant values in the equation
S=0.7; a=0; m=1;
k1=0.01:0.01:2.01;% k= 0 -> 2 with 0.01 interval.
for j=1:201
k=k1(j); %set "k" value for each loop.
w0=0; %set initial point w0=0. The solution I want is positive complex values: w=wr + i*wi;
sol=fzero(eqn,w0); %solve equation
% Define the function: solve "w" from f(w,k,m,S,a) = 0;
function y=f(w,k,m,S,a)
y=((w-m*S-(1+a)*k)+k)^2 ...
*(-2*m*S+(w-m*S-(1+a)*k)*(k*sqrt((4*S^2-(w-m*S-(1+a)*k)^2)/(w-m*S-(1+a)*k)^2)) ...
  2 comentarios
darova el 1 de Mayo de 2020
I tried this code
S=0.7; a=0; m=1;
k1=0.01:0.05:2.01;% k= 0 -> 2 with 0.01 interval.
w1 = k1;
[W,K] = meshgrid(w1,k1);
Z = W*0;
for i = 1:size(W,1)
for j = 1:size(W,2)
Z(i,j) = f(W(i,j),K(i,j),m,S,a);
axis vis3d
Lu Zhao
Lu Zhao el 1 de Mayo de 2020
Hi Darova,
Thank you so much for helping me! The idea to plot Z is great! I just tried this code out.
Just one more question: "w" is a complex number,(w=w_r+i*w_i), and do you have any ideas how to plot Z with complex number "w" ?
(And sorry for the confusion in the question, I will edit it right now to make it clear.)
Thanks again. I really appreciate your help! : D

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darova el 1 de Mayo de 2020
So you want to have 3 independent variables: w, and k
Here is one way: use isosurface
S=0.7; a=0; m=1;
k1=0.01:0.05:2.01;% k= 0 -> 2 with 0.01 interval.
w1 = k1;
[W1,W2,K] = meshgrid(w1,w1,k1);
Z = W1*0;
for i = 1:size(W1,1)
for j = 1:size(W1,2)
for k = 1:size(W1,3)
ww1 = W1(i,j,k);
ww2 = W2(i,j,k);
kk = K(i,j,k);
Z(i,j,k) = f(ww1+1i*ww2,kk,m,S,a);
% clf
patch( isosurface(W1,W2,K,imag(Z),0),...
patch( isosurface(W1,W2,K,real(Z),0),...
xlabel('W real')
ylabel('W imiginary')
zlabel('K variable')
legend('imiginary roots','real roots','location','north')
axis vis3d
  7 comentarios
Lu Zhao
Lu Zhao el 4 de Mayo de 2020
Thank you so much as always. I finally understand how to read this 3d figure, thanks a lot to your detailed picture. I couldn't thank you more. : D
Have a great day!
darova el 4 de Mayo de 2020
my plesure

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