802.11ah PER performance

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Mike Dachui
Mike Dachui el 15 de Mayo de 2020
I want to compute PER at different SNR when the tgahChannel.LargeScaleFadingEffect = 'Pathloss and shadowing' & tgahChannel.TransmitReceiveDistance = 50;
also PER at different DISTANCE when SNR is 30, can't get reasonable PER result. LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR ADVICE!!! REALLY APPRECIATE!!!
% Create S1G configuration object for single user S1G short preamble
% transmission with 2 transmit antennas and 2 space-time streams
cfgS1G = wlanS1GConfig;
cfgS1G.ChannelBandwidth = 'CBW2'; % 2 MHz channel bandwidth
cfgS1G.Preamble = 'Short'; % Short preamble
cfgS1G.NumTransmitAntennas = 2; % 2 transmit antennas
cfgS1G.NumSpaceTimeStreams = 2; % 2 space-time streams
cfgS1G.APEPLength = 256; % APEP length in bytes
cfgS1G.MCS = 3;
% Create and configure the TGah channel
tgahChannel = wlanTGahChannel;
tgahChannel.DelayProfile = 'Model-F';
tgahChannel.NumTransmitAntennas = cfgS1G.NumTransmitAntennas;
tgahChannel.NumReceiveAntennas = 2;
tgahChannel.TransmitReceiveDistance = 50;
tgahChannel.ChannelBandwidth = cfgS1G.ChannelBandwidth;
tgahChannel.LargeScaleFadingEffect = 'Pathloss and shadowing';
snr = 20:5:40;
maxNumPackets = 5e2; % Maximum number of packets at an SNR point
% Indices for accessing each field within the time-domain packet
fieldInd = wlanFieldIndices(cfgS1G);
% OFDM information
ofdmInfo = wlanS1GOFDMInfo('S1G-Data',cfgS1G);
% Set the sampling rate of the channel
tgahChannel.SampleRate = wlanSampleRate(cfgS1G);
if ~strcmp(packetFormat(cfgS1G),'S1G-Short')
error('This example only supports the S1G-Short packet format');
packetErrorRate = zeros(numel(snr),1);
for i = 1:numel(snr) % Use 'for' to debug the simulation
% Set random substream index per iteration to ensure that each
% iteration uses a repeatable set of random numbers
stream = RandStream('combRecursive','Seed',0);
stream.Substream = i;
% Create an instance of the AWGN channel per SNR point simulated
awgnChannel = comm.AWGNChannel;
awgnChannel.NoiseMethod = 'Signal to noise ratio (SNR)';
% Account for energy in nulls
awgnChannel.SNR = snr(i)-10*log10(ofdmInfo.FFTLength/ofdmInfo.NumTones);
% Loop to simulate multiple packets
numPacketErrors = 0;
numPkt = 1; % Index of packet transmitted
while numPkt<=maxNumPackets
% Generate a packet for 802.11ah short preamble
txPSDU = randi([0 1],cfgS1G.PSDULength*8,1);
txWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(txPSDU,cfgS1G);
% Add trailing zeros to allow for channel delay
tx = [txWaveform; zeros(50,cfgS1G.NumTransmitAntennas)];
preChSigPwr_dB = 10*log10(mean(abs(tx)));
sigPwr1 = 10^((preChSigPwr_dB(1)-tgahChannel.info.Pathloss)/10);
sigPwr2 = 10^((preChSigPwr_dB(2)-tgahChannel.info.Pathloss)/10);
awgnChannel.SignalPower = sigPwr;
% Pass through fading indoor TGah channel
reset(tgahChannel); % Reset channel for different realization
rx = tgahChannel(tx);
% Add noise
rx = awgnChannel(rx);
% Synchronize
% The received signal is synchronized to the start of the packet by
% compensating for a known delay and the default OFDM demodulation
% symbol sampling offset.
delay = 4;
rxSync = rx(delay+1:end,:);
% LTF demodulation and channel estimation
% Demodulate S1G-LTF1
rxLTF1 = rxSync(fieldInd.S1GLTF1(1):fieldInd.S1GLTF1(2),:);
demodLTF1 = wlanS1GDemodulate(rxLTF1,'S1G-LTF1',cfgS1G);
% If required, demodulate S1G-LTF2N, and perform channel estimation
if cfgS1G.NumSpaceTimeStreams>1
% Use S1G-LTF1 and S1G-LTF2N for channel estimation
rxLTF2N = rxSync(fieldInd.S1GLTF2N(1):fieldInd.S1GLTF2N(2),:);
demodLTF2N = wlanS1GDemodulate(rxLTF2N,'S1G-LTF2N',cfgS1G);
chanEst = s1gLTFChannelEstimate([demodLTF1 demodLTF2N],cfgS1G);
% Use only S1G-LTF1 for channel estimation
chanEst = s1gLTFChannelEstimate(demodLTF1,cfgS1G);
% Noise variance estimate from S1G-LTF1 demodulated symbols
noiseVarEst = helperNoiseEstimate(demodLTF1);
% Extract S1G-Data field
rxData = rxSync(fieldInd.S1GData(1):fieldInd.S1GData(2),:);
% OFDM demodulation
demodSym = wlanS1GDemodulate(rxData,'S1G-Data',cfgS1G);
% Extract data subcarriers from demodulated symbols and channel
% estimate
demodDataSym = demodSym(ofdmInfo.DataIndices,:,:);
chanEstData = chanEst(ofdmInfo.DataIndices,:,:);
% MMSE frequency domain equalization
[eqDataSym,csi] = helperSymbolEqualize(demodDataSym,chanEstData,noiseVarEst);
% Recover PSDU bits
rxPSDU = s1gDataBitRecover(eqDataSym,noiseVarEst,csi,cfgS1G);
% Determine if any bits are in error, i.e. a packet error
packetError = any(biterr(txPSDU,rxPSDU));
numPacketErrors = numPacketErrors+packetError;
numPkt = numPkt+1;
% Compute PER for this SNR point
packetErrorRate(i) = numPacketErrors/(numPkt-1);
disp(['SNR ' num2str(snr(i))...
' completed after ' num2str(numPkt-1) ' packets,'...
' PER: ' num2str(packetErrorRate(i))]);
disp( num2str(tgahChannel.TransmitReceiveDistance))

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