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I don't have the function 'squareform' which I need to run 'linkage'

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to use linkage but it returns this error: function 'squareform' for input arguments of type 'single'.> So i checked if I have the function 'squareform' using 'which' but it didn't find it. How can I do to get this function, please?
Thank you in advance for your help,

Respuesta aceptada

Thomas el 7 de Nov. de 2012
squareform is part of the statistics toolbox. You need to buy the statistics toolbox from the MATHWORKS if you do not have it. To check for installed toolboxes try
and see if Statistics toolbox is present..

Más respuestas (1)

Virginie el 8 de Nov. de 2012
Thank you for the answer. I don't have this tool... Thanks again! Virginie


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