How replace open by another function?

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Aubry el 27 de Nov. de 2012
I am working on a project, on Matlab 2009. I had some problems. Here a part from my code:
vidOut = avifile(outName);
vidOut.fps = fr;
open doesn't work here because of the format .avi
I need the video for manipulating this video (I want to apply filters on each frame of the video) What is the alternative to open (for opening avi)?
The same for close(vidOut);
Hope being clear
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Aubry el 28 de Nov. de 2012
I mean open doesn't work on .avi (it work only on .m or specific formats) (<>)
What I search for is an alternative function..
Moreover, I think avifile works.. I am using 32 bit Matlab and I am using 32 bit Windows XP...
Jan el 28 de Nov. de 2012
Editada: Jan el 28 de Nov. de 2012
"Doesn't work" is a bad description of the occurring problems. We cannot guess, what happens and if you get an error message (which one) or the results differ from your expectations.
If e.g. the error message is "You do not have read permissions to this file", it would be hilarious to invest time to find different AVI-file readers. Such things happen frequently in a forum.
Therefore something like this avoid misunderstandings: "OPEN does not support AVI files. Which command allows to open AVIs instead?"
Please add the needed information be editing the original question. Such important information must be found at a prominent location and readers of the question should not be forced to read a bunch of comments and answers before they find out, what the actual question is. Thanks.

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Respuestas (3)

Babak el 27 de Nov. de 2012
make sure, close(vidOut), the file is already closed and not corrupted. restart MATLAB then do it in command window to make sure it works.
  1 comentario
Aubry el 28 de Nov. de 2012
Already, open doesn't work...(When I ran it, close was 'commented'). I look for an alternative...

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Jan el 28 de Nov. de 2012
Did you ask your favorite search engine already?
Looking in the FileExchange is a good idea also:
It is much better to use existing solutions than reinventing the wheel. And searching the internet does help usually to solve standard problems.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 28 de Nov. de 2012
avifile is for creating AVI files. You addframe() to the avifile object and eventually you close it using the avifile method You never open() an avifile that you are creating.
If you are attempting to read a .avi file, use aviread

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