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How to convert script into a function

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Ömer Yaman
Ömer Yaman el 28 de Sept. de 2020
Comentada: Ameer Hamza el 28 de Sept. de 2020
Hello all,
I am quite beginner for matlab coding. I have a code which selects a ROI over an image. You may find code below.
clear all
randomimage=randi([0 2^16-1], 256, 256, 'uint16');
S = [64 64 127 127];
figure, imshow(randomimage);
h = imrect(gca, S);
addNewPositionCallback(h,@(p) title(mat2str(p,3)));
fcn = makeConstrainToRectFcn('imrect',get(gca,'XLim'),get(gca,'YLim'));
position = wait(h);
ROIIMAGE = imcrop(randomimage,position);
close all
figure, imshow(ROIIMAGE);
Code generates a random 16 bit image and create a size adjustable rectangular to select ROI. Then selected ROI will be opened as another figure by double clicking the rectangle.
My question is how can I put this code into a function. Thanks in advance.

Respuesta aceptada

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza el 28 de Sept. de 2020
Defining a function needs you to specify what are inputs and outputs. There are several ways you can write this as a function. Read here:
For example,
function fig = myFunction(randomimage)
S = [64 64 127 127];
figure, imshow(randomimage);
h = imrect(gca, S);
addNewPositionCallback(h,@(p) title(mat2str(p,3)));
fcn = makeConstrainToRectFcn('imrect',get(gca,'XLim'),get(gca,'YLim'));
position = wait(h);
ROIIMAGE = imcrop(randomimage,position);
close all
fig = figure;
This function takes randomImage as input and returns the figure handle of the last figure as output. You can call it like this
randomimage=randi([0 2^16-1], 256, 256, 'uint16');
or following if you need the figure handle too
randomimage=randi([0 2^16-1], 256, 256, 'uint16');
f = myFunction(randomimage);
  2 comentarios
Ömer Yaman
Ömer Yaman el 28 de Sept. de 2020
Thank you!
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza el 28 de Sept. de 2020
I am glad to be of help!

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