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Lanread function in Matlab

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Emmanuelle el 7 de Feb. de 2013
Respondida: Chetan el 28 de Abr. de 2014
Hello, I have a multispectral image and I've a question. I've found a function code on the internet which allows to read this kind of images. The problem is I received the following error:
??? function [lan_data] = lanread('montana.lan')
Error: Function definitions are not
permitted in this context.
Also, when I checked the help of the 'lanread' command I received the following information: ">> help landread landread not found."
Is possible that this command doesn't exist? I haven't found so much information about it.
Thanks in advance,
PD) This is the function code.
function [lan_data] = lanread('montana.lan','C:\formato_lan')
% LANREAD Read Landsat data file type .lan
% Ex: im = lanread('montana.lan')
% size(im) = [m,n,d];
% (From landsatdemo in the image analysis toolbox.)
% $Id: lanread.m 3325 2007-04-06 15:52:34Z finn $
if (nargin<2), thepath = []; end
if isempty(thepath)
thepath= {fullfile('.',filesep),...
fullfile(p,filesep,'data',filesep,'protected',filesep, ...
elseif ischar(thepath)
thepath = {thepath};
fid = -1;
if (fid<0)
for path_idx=1:length(thepath)
filename = sprintf('%s%s',thepath{path_idx},lan_filename);
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
if (fid>=0), break; end
if (fid<0) % If not found anywhere
error(sprintf('Could not open file: %s',filename));
% find out how big the image is based on file size,
% assuming square image, 7 bands
nbands = 7;
file_bytes = ftell(fid);
nlines = floor(sqrt(file_bytes/nbands));
nsamples = nlines;
% skip header
nbytes_header = 128;
% prepend * to read data into an array that has the same class as the data
A = fread(fid,[nsamples nlines*nbands],'*uint8');
% put data into a 3D array
A_3dim = reshape(A,nsamples,nbands,nlines);
lan_data = permute(A_3dim,[3 1 2]);

Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 7 de Feb. de 2013
You need to save the code in a file named lanread.m and ensure that the file is on your MATLAB path (you might need to use pathtool for that.)
  2 comentarios
Emmanuelle el 7 de Feb. de 2013
Hi Walter! Thanks for your quickly reply! ;) I've saved as a lanread.m (I've written in a New file/function). Now the error is: ??? Error: "File: lanread.m Line: 9 Column: 31 Unexpected MATLAB expression.". The problem it's on 'montana.lan'. The error is: "Line 9: Invalid syntax at <STRING<. Posisibly, a ),} or ] is missing", "Line 9: Parse error at ')' usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax.
Emmanuelle el 7 de Feb. de 2013
I've just solved. I was confused with that.
function [lan_data] = lanread(lan_filename, thepath)

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Más respuestas (1)

Chetan el 28 de Abr. de 2014
Is this possible to get the video encryption from avi to MPEG2 can be done by this LANREAD function .


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