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Approximating /transforming /absolute error

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Opariuc Andrei
Opariuc Andrei el 27 de Oct. de 2020
Comentada: Alan Stevens el 28 de Oct. de 2020
input data
the result is 6.6315e-04 , how do i transform /aproximate/etc the result on the left to 0.00066 ? I ran a conversion to decimal using Symbolab (website) and the exact result of the conversion is 0.00066315 .

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Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 27 de Oct. de 2020
For display purposes you can use fprintf:
>> r=3;h=8;Dv=0.1;
fprintf('%0.2g \n',Dr)
  7 comentarios
Opariuc Andrei
Opariuc Andrei el 28 de Oct. de 2020
Oh master , please accept my humble thank you :)
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 28 de Oct. de 2020
You're welcome. Note that I've suggested a very simplistic approach. A more advanced approach might involve a Monte-Carlo simulation and/or allow different tolerances on each of A, B etc.

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