multiple images in one figure using a scrollbar

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Prashant Verma
Prashant Verma el 3 de Nov. de 2020
Respondida: Deepak el 15 de Oct. de 2024
I have a number of 2D dicom images (some monochrome, some RGB, also different sizes) that I want to display in one Figure, with the ability to scroll from one image to another in the Figure. How can I do this?

Respuestas (1)

Deepak el 15 de Oct. de 2024
Hi Prashant,
As I understand it, you have several “dicom” figures that are either monochrome or RGB and are of different sizes. You want to display them in a single figure in MATLAB, with the ability to scroll from one image to another in the figure.
To achieve this, we will first load all the images in MATLAB and read them using thedicomread” function. Next, we need to create a figure and display all the images using theimshow” function. We can then create a slider by using theuicontrol” function and add a custom listener to it to update the image while scrolling.
Here is the complete MATLAB code that accomplish this task:
% Load DICOM images
fileNames = {'image1.dcm', 'image2.dcm', 'image3.dcm'};
numImages = length(fileNames);
images = cell(1, numImages);
for i = 1:numImages
images{i} = dicomread(fileNames{i});
% Create the figure and UI controls
hFig = figure('Name', 'DICOM Image Viewer', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
hAx = axes('Parent', hFig);
hImg = imshow(images{1}, 'Parent', hAx);
% Add a slider
hSlider = uicontrol('Style', 'slider', 'Min', 1, 'Max', numImages, ...
'Value', 1, 'SliderStep', [1/(numImages-1) , 10/(numImages-1)], ...
'Position', [100, 20, 300, 20]);
% Add a listener to the slider
addlistener(hSlider, 'ContinuousValueChange', @(src, event) updateImage(hImg, images, round(get(src, 'Value'))));
% Callback function to update the image
function updateImage(hImg, images, index)
imshow(images{index}, 'Parent', get(hImg, 'Parent'));
Attaching the documentation of functions used for reference:
I trust this information proved helpful.


Más información sobre Modify Image Colors en Help Center y File Exchange.


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