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How do I clear the contents of Excel by sheet?

108 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Jorge el 31 de En. de 2011
Respondida: Václav Vesely el 6 de Nov. de 2020
I have an Excel file with 5 sheets. I need to clear the contents of the sheets 2, 3, 4 and 5.
I tried it with an empty cell array but I get error.
Any ideas?

Respuesta aceptada

the cyclist
the cyclist el 31 de En. de 2011
Would it meet your need to write an array of empty strings ("") instead?

Más respuestas (3)

Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov el 31 de En. de 2011
A slightly more elaborate way with ActiveX:
% Name of the excel file
filename = 'C:\Users\Oleg\Desktop\myExcelFile.xlsx';
% Retrieve sheet names
[~, sheetNames] = xlsfinfo(filename);
% Open Excel as a COM Automation server
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% Open Excel workbook
Workbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(filename);
% Clear the content of the sheets (from the second onwards)
cellfun(@(x) Excel.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets.Item(x).Cells.Clear, sheetNames(2:end));
% Now save/close/quit/delete
invoke(Excel, 'Quit');
  4 comentarios
Nagham Kabbara
Nagham Kabbara el 12 de Nov. de 2015
can i use this method to clear the content of specific cells in the sheet?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 17 de En. de 2016
Editada: Image Analyst el 17 de En. de 2016
Nagham, yes, see this snippet to clear cells in a certain range:
% Clears/erases cells in the current worksheet in the specified range.
% Example call:
% Excel_utils.ClearCells(Excel, 'A1..C5');
function ClearCells(Excel, cellReference)
% Select the range
% Clear the cell contents.
% Put "cursor" or active cell at A1, the upper left cell.
catch ME
errorMessage = sprintf('Error in function ClearCells.\n\nError Message:\n%s', ME.message);
fprintf('%s\n', errorMessage);
end % from ClearCells

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Jeff el 8 de Abr. de 2015
Here's another way. It may not be the most efficient but it requires very little code.
Just read all the data in from a sheet, write NaN to all cells that were read, and write those cells back to your sheet. Do this for all sheets that you want.
for SheetNum=2:5
[N, T, Raw]=xlsread(Filename, SheetNum);
[Raw{:, :}]=deal(NaN);
xlswrite(Filename, Raw, SheetNum);
  1 comentario
Heng Sun
Heng Sun el 17 de En. de 2016
Editada: Heng Sun el 17 de En. de 2016
I feel this is the simplest way. The accepted answer require knowing the size of the sheet in advance, which may not be practical.
Later edit: Well, it is not so great. If I have a sheet with column A empty, this method would leave the last column untouched. The reason is that Matlab function xlsread returned Raw does not include empty columns.

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Václav Vesely
Václav Vesely el 6 de Nov. de 2020
If I want to overwrite contetnt of an excel sheet 'cnt' I do it this way:
oldTable = readtable(configOutPAth,'Sheet',cnt);
oldTable = array2table(nan(size(oldTable)),'VariableNames',oldTable.Properties.VariableNames);


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