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Problem in object tracking to 3 persons walk in the environment

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Dear Sir,
I am working now on "Object Tracking Project"... I found this website on Mathworks In my code, I wanted to recognize on the tracks of three objects so I certain their positions (left, bottom, width, height) through I put them inside "3 boxes"... I have the problem to display tracks that have been visible, display predicted bounding box or create labels for objects in "displayTrackingResults" function after I made run of the code where I noted that the program isn't going to the " if ~isempty(reliableTracks)" in "displayTrackingResults" function... when I tried to make some changes by putting "tracks1= tracks" in "createNewTracks" function, change the "minVisibleCount" with "low" value in the "function displayTrackingResults(frame, mask, tracks1,obj)", I noted that the program "run" after if statement "if ~isempty(reliableTracks)" but it give me this error:
Error using insertObjectAnnotation>crossCheckInputs (line 247) The number of columns in POSITION must be 4 for the 'rectangle' shape, or 3 for the 'circle' shape.
Error in insertObjectAnnotation>validateAndParseInputs (line 161) crossCheckInputs(shape, position, numLabels, color, textColor);
Error in insertObjectAnnotation (line 99) [RGB, shape, position, label, color, textColor, ...
Error in displayTrackingResults (line 67) frame = insertObjectAnnotation(frame, 'rectangle',bboxes, labels);
Error in Demo (line 272) displayTrackingResults(frame, mask, tracks1,obj);
I would like you to help me to fix this error to have the ability to see the tracks that have been visibl, display predicted bounding box or create labels for objects in "displayTrackingResults"....
Thank you very much
Have Great and Fantastic Day
Mohamed Elwakdy

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