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How to insert the whole vector in the title?

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
edoardo amarotti
edoardo amarotti el 14 de Nov. de 2020
Comentada: edoardo amarotti el 14 de Nov. de 2020
Dear all, I need to insert the whole vector variables in the same title.
Here I report a skecth of my script. This part works but the problem is that the title is on different lines for each variable of my vector.
w_out= [212 552 823]
title(['Power Spectrum 544PT: ',string(w_out),' [cm^{-1}]'],'FontSize',18);
I want all the title to be in the same line.

Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 14 de Nov. de 2020
title( "Power Spectrum 544PT: " + strjoin(string(w_out)) + " [cm^{-1}]", 'FontSize',18);
  1 comentario
edoardo amarotti
edoardo amarotti el 14 de Nov. de 2020
THANKS! this is exactly what I was searching for!!!!

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