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Undefined variable "dsp" or class

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Rehman Tanim
Rehman Tanim el 25 de Nov. de 2020
Respondida: Walter Roberson el 25 de Nov. de 2020
%% Applying the adaptive filter
% The adaptive noise canceller can use almost any adaptive procedure to perform its task.
% For simplicity, we shall use the least-mean-square (LMS) adaptive filter with 15
% coefficients and a step size of 0.00007. With these settings, the adaptive noise canceller
% converges reasonably well after a few seconds of adaptation--certainly a reasonable
% period to wait given this particular diagnostic application.
h = dsp.LMSfilter(15, 0.001);
[y,e] = filter(h,x,d);
% [y,e] = FECG_detector(x,d);
subplot(3,3,5); plot(t,d,'c',t,e,'r');
%axis([0 7.0 -4 4]);
xlabel('Time [sec]');
ylabel('Voltage [mV]');
title('Convergence of Adaptive Noise Canceller');
legend('Measured Signal','Error Signal');
getting this error:
Undefined variable "dsp" or class
Can anyone fix this?

Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 25 de Nov. de 2020
You need to license and install DSP System Toolbox;

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