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using SVD to solve systems of linear equation: have to implement direct parameter calibration method

15 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
can you please tell me how to implement direct parameter calibration method in matlab to show how SVD is used to solve systems of linear equation? i know about SVD but dont know any matlab syntax for direct parameter calibration method.

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Matt J
Matt J el 10 de Mzo. de 2013
Editada: Matt J el 10 de Mzo. de 2013
Given an n-by-n linear system
and the SVD of A,
Then one could solve the system as follows
x= V*((U'*b)./diag(S))
However, the easier way would be
so I don't understand why you stipulate that the SVD has to be used. If this isn't what you want, please elaborate and maybe also explain the niche terminology "direct parameter calibration method".
  1 comentario
Sat m
Sat m el 10 de Mzo. de 2013
thank you. it is working. i used x=A/b before but in my assignment, my instructor specifically mentioned to use SVD and to implement direct parallel calibration method'. i do not know what is this direct parallel calibration method and how does it work? or how to implement it

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