I'm getting a huge headache in coding a procedure to determine similarities between two strings and so the index of the best matching into a more than 10,000 elements cell.
the i-th element of the first cell matrix is something like:
str1= 'Class music n. 12 160b'
which is the element I want to search into the other matrix. The correspondant matching element of the second matrix, e.g., is:
str2= 'Classical musical n. 12 160beats'
and so on.
I wish to find a procedure to distinguish whether this couple is the most similar with respect to all the others (others can be like
str3 = 'Techno music n. 7 120beats'
str4 = 'Rock disco n. 12 140beats'
str5 = 'Punk metal n. 18 180 beats'
or even more different).
I wish to find the index in the cell matrix where
variable is, in order to manipulate it.
I've been trying several approaches, but with none of them I achieved consistent results.
Would you be able to assist me in this?
Thank you