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The SVM classifier embebed in classfication learner App can do multiclass classification or not?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I am a beginner in machine learning, I want to to ask The SVM classifier embebed in classfication learner App can do multiclass classification or not? I have actually configurate a three-class task in classification learner app using SVM classifier, and have successfully run it. but today I learned that the SVM is only for binary classification. I know in grammartical may, I can use "fitcecoc" to Fit multiclass models for SVM, but I am not sure about if the SVM in classification learner App can be used for muliclass task or not.
Thank you!

Respuesta aceptada

Anshika Chaurasia
Anshika Chaurasia el 3 de Mzo. de 2021
Hi Frank,
"In Classification Learner, you can train SVMs when your data has two or more classes."
You can refer to the following documentation to know more about SVM classifier in classification learner app:
Hope it helps!

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