How do I obtain video (.avi) from a webcam (in real time) and store the video frames somewhere for further processing?

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I need to obtain video frames in real-time video. I have the Image Acquisition Toolbox (R2011b). How can I write code to automatically open the Image Acquisition Toolbox and start making video?

Respuestas (2)

Amith Kamath
Amith Kamath el 20 de Mayo de 2013
  2 comentarios
Mohd Aquib
Mohd Aquib el 23 de Mayo de 2013
Editada: Walter Roberson el 24 de Mayo de 2013
thanks for replying...m using videowriter and executing this code
logfile = VideoWriter('logfile.mj2', 'Motion JPEG 2000');
vidobj.DiskLogger = logfile;
wait(vidobj, 5);
while (vidobj.FramesAcquired ~= vidobj.DiskLoggerFrameCount)
clear vidobj;
but irz is giving error
permission is allowed for
logfile = VideoWriter('logfile.mj2', 'Motion JPEG 2000');
plz help
Randy Souza
Randy Souza el 24 de Mayo de 2013
I market this answer as not accepted because Mohd indicates below that this did not actually resolve the problem. However, Amith keeps the reputation points earned when the answer was marked as accepted.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 21 de Mayo de 2013
Did you run imaqtool and see what commands it logs as you do things? Commands like preview() and getsnapshot()?
  6 comentarios
Mohd Aquib
Mohd Aquib el 23 de Mayo de 2013
ok sir actually the pblm is " i need code for obtaining video(.avi format) from webcam(real time)...and i ve to store the video somewhere(desktop)in the pc so that i cd futher process it.. whenever i try,i manage to open webcam but unable to store a video where i want..i have mage acquisition toolbox so what i shd do to obtain video from and and storing it at smwhere in the pc

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