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how to see the output and input vide together

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
sonu el 18 de Jun. de 2013
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
hi can any one help me to solve the problem i have two video input and segmented output video i want to see it together..
that shown in this link, like that

Respuestas (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez el 18 de Jun. de 2013
You need to create a GUI and add two axes to it. Each one will have a tag assigned to it ( see it in the property inspector ). To plot/see anything in a particular axes, add the corresponding parameter to the plot/show function:
plot(x,y,'Parent',handles.my_axes_1_tag ); %this present x,y data in axes _my_axes_1_tag
plot(z,t,'Parent',handles.my_axes_2_tag ); %this present z,t data in axes _my_axes_2_tag
It works the same way when presenting images
  1 comentario
sonu el 18 de Jun. de 2013
sorry but i cn't there any command to see it

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