How may I show a mixture distribution?

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Maria Amr
Maria Amr el 11 de Abr. de 2021
Comentada: Jeff Miller el 12 de Abr. de 2021
I truly appreciate if someone answers how to show a mixture distribution? My data ia attached and I know this data is not enough to claim a multimodal distribution confidently. Assuming enough data points, how I can show a multimodal dataset? I means I want to show a data set like the attached figure (the figure is not mine and I only use it to express my question). Thank you in advance!
  2 comentarios
roberto rocchetta
roberto rocchetta el 11 de Abr. de 2021
Editada: roberto rocchetta el 11 de Abr. de 2021
you can try to test unimodality with the Komogorov-Smirnov test.
If Xdata=A is your data:
Xnorm=(Xdata-mean(Xdata))/std(Xdata); % standard scale
help kstest
Maria Amr
Maria Amr el 12 de Abr. de 2021
roberto rocchetta, Thank you so much for your help!

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Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller el 12 de Abr. de 2021
Here is an example of plotting a mixture that produces a graph similar to yours example:
pd1 = makedist('normal',1,1); % probability distribution 1 is normal with mu=1, sigma=1
pd2 = makedist('normal',4,1.5); % probability distribution 2 is normal with mu=4, sigma=1.5
prob2 = 0.25; % 25% of the data comes from pd2
xrange = -2:0.01:10; % some sample x values at which to compute pdfs
pd1pdf = pd1.pdf(xrange) * (1 - prob2);
pd2pdf = pd2.pdf(xrange) * prob2;
mixpdf = pd1pdf + pd2pdf;
hold on
legend('Component1','Component 2','mixture');
Hope that helps...
  2 comentarios
Maria Amr
Maria Amr el 12 de Abr. de 2021
Jeff Miller, Really appreciated! It is working very well. Big like!
Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller el 12 de Abr. de 2021

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