How to add common legend at the end (Bottom Side) of the whole image
17 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
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Sumit Saha
el 17 de Mayo de 2021
Comentada: Lidia Irene Benitez
el 28 de Mayo de 2022
figure (1)
plot(rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b','linewidth', 1)
hold on
hx = xlabel('Maximum Storey Acceleration (in g)', 'Fontsize', 12);
hy = ylabel('Storey Number', 'Fontsize', 12);
title('GM,FN Comp-Rup Dist. 5 km')
axis([0 1.5 0 9])
set(gcf,'position',[ 140 370 850 770])
plot(rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b','linewidth', 1)
hold on
hx = xlabel('Maximum Storey Acceleration (in g)', 'Fontsize', 12);
hy = ylabel('Storey Number', 'Fontsize', 12);
title('GM,FP Comp-Rup Dist. 5 km')
axis([0 1 0 9])
set(gcf,'position',[ 140 370 850 770])
hold on
plot(rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b','linewidth', 1)
hold on
hx = xlabel('Maximum Storey Acceleration (in g)', 'Fontsize', 12);
hy = ylabel('Storey Number', 'Fontsize', 12);
title('GM,FN Comp-Rup Dist. 15 km')
axis([0 1.5 0 9])
set(gcf,'position',[ 140 370 850 770])
plot(rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b',rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'b','linewidth', 1)
hold on
hx = xlabel('Maximum Storey Acceleration (in g)', 'Fontsize', 12);
hy = ylabel('Storey Number', 'Fontsize', 12);
title('GM,FP Comp-Rup Dist. 15 km')
axis([0 1 0 9])
set(gcf,'position',[ 140 370 850 770])
hold on
legh = legend('Station 1','Station 2','Station 3','Station 4','Station 5','Location','southoutside');
set(legh, 'fontsize', 12)
% add legend
%Lgnd = legend('show');
%Lgnd.Position(1) = 0.4;
%Lgnd.Position(2) = 0.0;
How can I insert common legend at the outside (south) of the pic ?
2 comentarios
Adam Danz
el 17 de Mayo de 2021
I updated your question to display the result of your code. Note the warning that is produced by supplying 5 labels for 4 objects. Remove the fifth label or add a fifth object to fix that issue.
Respuesta aceptada
Adam Danz
el 17 de Mayo de 2021
Use TiledLayout instead of subplot to create the axes. Then, after adding the legend, position it on the bottom using the tiled layout object.
0 comentarios
Más respuestas (1)
el 17 de Mayo de 2021
Editada: DGM
el 17 de Mayo de 2021
Adam's answer is the elegant solution, but if you're using something older than R2020b, or if you're not using tiledlayout, you can do something like this:
p = get(gca,'position'); % store axes geometry before creating legend
legh = legend('Station 1','Station 2','Station 3','Station 4','Station 5','Location','southoutside');
set(legh, 'fontsize', 12)
set(gca,'position',p) % restore axes geometry
legh.Position(1:2) = [0.5-legh.Position(3)/2 0.02]; % roughly center legend
% shift all the axes up a bit to make room for the legend
offset = 0.05; % vertical offset per row
scale = 0.9; % amount to scale each axes vertically
gh = gcf;
h = gh.Children;
h = flipud(h(isgraphics(h,'axes')));
for ax = 1:numel(h)
h(ax).Position(2) = h(ax).Position(2) + offset*ceil(ax/2); % assumes 2 columns
h(ax).Position(4) = h(ax).Position(4) * scale;
If you want to make better use of the space, you can reorient the legend:
p = get(gca,'position'); % store axes geometry before creating legend
legh = legend('Station 1','Station 2','Station 3','Station 4','Station 5','Location','southoutside');
set(legh, 'fontsize', 12,'orientation','horizontal')
set(gca,'position',p) % restore axes geometry
legh.Position(1:2) = [0.5-legh.Position(3)/2 0.03]; % roughly center legend
% shift all the axes up a bit to make room for the legend
offset = 0.02; % vertical offset per row
scale = 0.95; % amount to scale each axes vertically
gh = gcf;
h = gh.Children;
h = flipud(h(isgraphics(h,'axes')));
for ax = 1:numel(h)
h(ax).Position(2) = h(ax).Position(2) + offset*ceil(ax/2);
h(ax).Position(4) = h(ax).Position(4) * scale;
1 comentario
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