Stopping ode45 when encountering errors and retrieving results

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Mohammad Farhat
Mohammad Farhat el 19 de Mayo de 2021
Comentada: Walter Roberson el 21 de Mayo de 2021
%% UPDATE: Actual code now attached.
I am using an ode45 solver to solve a nonlinear ODE.
The code uses many functions, so to avoid unneccessary details, I will simply outline it:
say the differential equation is:
%%NOTE: These are not the actual expressions, nor does an error arise with
%%these. But just showing the algorithm of what I am doing.
dx = @(t,x) 2.*x.*peta(x);
and peta(x) calls various functions, say one of them is peta(x)
function [p] = peta(x)
J = eta(x);
and say eta(x) uses fzero in one of the steps
function [spin] = eta(x)
G= @(x) 3.*x - 5;
spin= fzero(G,s0);
The error arises because of the behavior of the ODE. after some interval t, the function G in eta evaluated at the initial guess is not finite.
So I get an error in fzero, and the code is terminated. When I break fzero if G(s0) is infinite or complex, J in peta is not assigned and the integrator is also terminated.
How can I stop the integrator and retrieve the solution whenever I encounter this hurdle in fzero?

Respuestas (2)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 19 de Mayo de 2021
The following makes your example work. However, I suspect your real problem is more complicated. If so, you should upload it.
dx = @(t,x) 2.*x.*peta(x);
tspan = [0 1];
x0 = 1;
[t, x] = ode45(dx, tspan, x0);
function [p] = peta(x)
J = eta(x);
p=J+1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [spin] = eta(x)
G= @(x) 3.*x - 5;
spin= fzero(G,x); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% x rather than s0
  4 comentarios
Mohammad Farhat
Mohammad Farhat el 19 de Mayo de 2021
Editada: Mohammad Farhat el 19 de Mayo de 2021
Hi @Alan . I attached the actual code. the main script is TSM.
You can see that if you run the integrator [ 0 -3.225], it works fine, and you can see the behavior of the function dropping at some t immediately to zero.
this behavior is what causes the error if you rund the integrator for a longer timespan ( say [ 0 -4]).
TSM calls IM_K22 which calls H_total.
when this behavior is reached for x, H_total using fzero gives and error because the function at the initial guess is no longer finite, and thus IM_K22 doesn't work, and thus the integrator stops.
As you might tell, I want to solve this integrator for ranges of parameters, which results in the time around which this behavior occurs to vary, so I want to fix tspan of the integrator and not manually change it every time to avoid the error.
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 19 de Mayo de 2021
The problem seems to be related to
G_orbit = @(a) beta*sqrt(mu.*a);
in two of the files.
If a goes negative you get a complex number here which presumably messes up the remaining calculations. By replacing a by max(a,0) the program doesn't crash, but doesn't seem to end either! I don't know enough about where your equations come from to help further.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 21 de Mayo de 2021
Here are some versions that you can use to get further. Not very far though.
function do_TSM
R=6371; % km
GM=0.39860e6; GM = GM / R^3;
Gm=0.00490e6; Gm= Gm / R^3 ;
mu= Gm+GM;
Gyr_to_sec= 365.25*24*3600*10^9;
log_sigma_R= -5;
beta= M*m/(M+m);
G_orbit = @(a) beta*sqrt(mu.*a);
Torque= @(a) 3/2 * Gm *m./a.^6 .* -IM_K222(a, log_sigma_R, H)*Gyr_to_sec;
tend = -3.225;
tend = -4;
opts = odeset('OutputFcn', @odeplot);
[t,jj] = ode45(@da, [ 0 tend], a0, opts);
figure; plot(t,jj); hold on;
function dat = da(t,a)
if a < 0
dat = flintmax;
dat = 2.*a./G_orbit(a).*Torque(a);
function [spin_rate] =H_total(semi_major_axis)
m= 0.0123;
beta= M*m / (M+m);
R= 6371;
GM=0.39860e6; GM = GM / R^3;
Gm=0.00490e6; Gm= Gm / R^3 ;
mu= Gm+GM;
C = 2/5 * M * R^2;
C= C / R^2;
h_spin = @(w) C*w;
hour= 3600;
P_rot = 23.9345*hour;
%P_rot = 14*hour;
Omega_E = 2*pi/P_rot;
a0 = 384748/R;
h_orbit_0= h_orbit(a0);
G0= h_orbit_0 + h_spin(Omega_E);
G = @(w) h_orbit(semi_major_axis) + h_spin(w); %a in R, w in s^-1 and G in Earth mass*R^2/s
G=@(w) G(w) - G0;
terminator = G(Omega_E);
% if isinf(terminator) || ~isreal(terminator)
% return
% end
spin_rate = fzero(G,Omega_E);
function horb = h_orbit(a)
horb = beta*sqrt(mu*a);
The change to IM_K222.m was just reformatting it to make it more clear where the nested functions are:
function [Imk22] = IM_K222(semi_major_axis, log_sigma_R, H)
log_sigmaR = log_sigmaR_low:log_sigmaR_high;
sigmaR = 10.^(log_sigmaR);
R= 6378e3; %m
%m % motoyama: 2600/ 3900 / 5200
g= 9.81; %m/s^2
rho= 1022; %kg/m^3
N = 1e-3; %s^-1
cs = 1545; %m s^-1
M_planet=5.9724e24; %kg
M_moon= 7.346e22; %kg
hour= 3600;
P_rot = 23.9345*hour;
Omega_E = 2*pi/P_rot;
N2 = N^2;
cs2 = cs^2;
M_ocean = 4*pi*(R^2)*H*rho;
G = 6.67384e-11;
%the code should take radius in meters
a_EM= semi_major_axis*R; %m
n_orb = sqrt(G*(M_planet+M_moon)/(a_EM^3));
Omega= H_total(a_EM/1e3/(R/1e3));
sigma= 2*(Omega - n_orb);
Nomega= length(sigma);
NS=max(NSmin, 2*N_max);
Lambda= zeros(1,N_max);
Avector= zeros(N_max,N_max);
Bvector= zeros(N_max,N_max);
C2n2_tab= zeros(Nomega, N_max);
Lambda_tab= zeros(Nomega, N_max);
for js=1:N_sigmaR
nu= 2*Omega./(sigma - 1i*sigmaR(js));
for kk=1:Nomega
[Lambda,Avector,Bvector]= Hough(m,nuk,NS,N_max);
for ik=1:N_max
C2n2_tab(kk,ik) = Avector(1,ik)*Bvector(ik,1);
Lambda_tab(kk,:) = Lambda;
for n=1:N_max
%Qn(kk,n) = QLove_uni(sigma(kk),R,H,g,N2,cs2,sigmaf(js),Lambda(n),1,1);
Qn(kk,n) = QLove_uni_neutre(sigma(kk),R,H,g,cs2,sigmaR(js),Lambda(n));
for n=1:N_max
Qtot(kk,js) = Qtot(kk,js) + Qn(kk,n)*C2n2_tab(kk,n);
ImQtot = imag(Qtot);
Imk22 = (G*M_ocean)/(5*R).*ImQtot;
k22 = (G*M_ocean)/(5*R).*Qtot;
Q= abs( k22./Imk22);
absImk22 = abs(Imk22);
% plot(omega, log10(Q)); hold on;
function [Lambda,Avector,Bvector]= Hough(m,nuk,NS,Nfunc)
[Lambda_brut,Avector_brut] = H_even(m,nuk,NS);
function [Lambda,Avector] = H_even(m,nuk,NS)
absm = abs(m);
indices = 1:NS;
k = absm+2*(indices-1);
diagg = M_r(k,m,nuk);
bdiagg = L_r(k(1:NS-1),m,nuk);
S(1,1) = diagg(1);
for j=2: NS
S(j,j-1) = bdiagg(j-1);
S(j-1,j) = bdiagg(j-1);
S(j,j) = diagg(j);
[Avector,X] = eig(S);
Lambda = 1./(X*nuk.^2);
function [Mr] = M_r(r,s,nuk)
rr = 2*r;
snu = s*nuk;
rp1 = r+1;
rp2 = r+2;
r2 = r.^2;
M1 = -(snu-r.*rp1)./((r.*rp1*nuk).^2);
M2 = (r+s+1).*(r-s+1).*rp2.^2 ./ (rp1.^2 .* (rr+3).*(rr+1).*(snu-rp1.*rp2));
M3 = (r-1).^2 .*(r2-s^2)./(r2.*(4.*r2-1).*(snu-r.*(r-1)));
function [Lr] = L_r(r,s,nuk)
rr = 2*r;
snu = s*nuk;
num = sqrt( (r+s+1).*(r+s+2).*(r-s+1).*(r-s+2));
den = (rr+3).*sqrt((rr+1).*(rr+5)).*(snu-(r+1).*(r+2));
Lr= num./den;
function [Qtot]= QLove_uni(sigma, R,H,g,N2,cs2,sigmaf,Lambdan,op_Qxi,op_Qrho)
sigmati = sigma - 1i*sigmaf;
ssti = sigma*sigmati;
sigmagn2 = g*Lambdan/(2*R);
Ksph = -2*H/R;
epsn = R2*ssti/(Lambdan*cs2);
etan = 1 - epsn;
gHcs2 = g*H/cs2;
N2Hg = N2*H/g;
tau = gHcs2 + N2Hg;
delta = (tau + Ksph)/2;
gam = delta - tau;
kn2 = (Lambdan*H2)/R2 * (N2/ssti - 1)*etan +(gHcs2 + Ksph)*N2Hg - delta^2;
kn = sqrt(kn2);
coskn = cos(kn);
sinkn = sin(kn);
An = (gHcs2 - N2Hg + Ksph)/2;
Bn = (gHcs2*(2*ssti/N2 - 1) - N2Hg + Ksph)/2;
Cn = An + H*(N2 - ssti)/g;
den = kn*(Cn-An)*coskn - (An*Cn +kn2)*sinkn;
Andel = An - delta;
Cndel = Cn - delta;
expd= exp(delta);
expt = exp(tau);
expg = exp(gam);
gam2 = gam^2;
Qtot = (1+1i)*0;
Qxi = Qtot;
Qrho = Qtot;
if (op_Qxi==1)
Qxi0 = - Lambdan/(R2*ssti*(kn2+delta^2));
Dn = kn*(An-delta)*(An-Cn)*expd;
En = (Cn-delta)*(An^2+kn2);
Qxi = Qxi0*(An - delta + (Dn + En*sinkn)/den);
if (op_Qrho==1)
gk2 = gam2 + kn2;
Bndel = Bn - delta;
c1 = gam*(Bn-Cn) + Bn*Cn + kn2;
c2 = gam*(Bn-An)+An*Bn+kn2;
c3 = gam*(An*Bn+ kn2) + kn2*(An-Bn);
c4 = gam*(Bn*Cn+kn2) + kn2*(Cn-Bn);
Gn = kn*( Andel*expd*c1 + Cndel*c2/expg );
Hn = -kn*( expt*Andel*c1 + Cndel*c2 );
Kn = Cndel*c3 - expt*Andel*c4;
Qrho0 = N2*H*Lambdan/(g*R2*ssti*(kn2+delta^2));
Qrho = - Qrho0*((expt-1)*Bndel/tau + (Gn + Hn*coskn + Kn*sinkn)/(den*gk2));
Qtot = Qxi + Qrho;
function [Qtot] = QLove_uni_neutre(sigma,R,H,g,cs2,sigmaf,Lambdan)
kh2 = Lambdan / R2;
epsgs = (g*H)/(2*cs2);
Delta = sqrt( (H*g*kh2/(1-epsgs)^2 - (sigmaf/2)^2)*1i/1i);
sigma1 = - Delta + 1i*(sigmaf/2);
sigma2 = Delta + 1i*sigmaf/2;
Qtot = -Lambdan/( R2) / ((sigma-sigma1)*(sigma-sigma2));
  1 comentario
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 21 de Mayo de 2021
That is the current code. If you run it, you will see that the values drop down steeply in the plot and then the program will look like it hangs. It does not actually hang: it just switches into a step size on the order of 1E-10 trying to find coefficients to make progress.
The Runge-Kutta process involves evaluating at several places that are carefully constructed with respect to each other in order to match derivatives in endpoints of derivatives of projection models. The value of the function at the probe locations becomes part of the information to determine where the function is probed. In areas where the function is changing rapidly, the probe locations can end up being relatively far away. You can end up probing at locations that yield large positive values, and also probing at locations that yield large negative values, and those might mathematically mostly cancel out, leaving you hardly moved. Balancing a pin on-end.
What can you do? Well, if you set the options to have a larger minimum step size such as 1e-9, then it would give up quickly complaining about a likely singularity... which would be better than hunting for hours near the singularity.
Your code takes eigenvalues of a array with minimum dimension 30, so I am not going to try to do a symbolic analysis to determine theoretical singularities.

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