How can I force the time-axis unit of spectrogram to be 'second(s)' ?

11 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
When I use the spectrogram function ( , I find that depends on the time duration of the y data, the time-axis units are dynamic, shifting between 'second(s)' and 'milisecond(s)'. So is it possible to force the unit to be 'second(s)'?
  2 comentarios
Adam Danz
Adam Danz el 25 de Mayo de 2021
Are you referring to your inputs or are you referring to something in the plot produced by spectrogram?
It would be helpful to provide a screen shot of the figure or supply the input data, depending on what you're describing.
zhehao.nkd el 26 de Mayo de 2021
Sorry for my vague description. I am referring to the plot generated by function spectrogram without defining the output.
For example,
fs = 32000;
y1 = wgn(1*fs,1,1);
y2 = wgn(2*fs,1,1);
This two subplots will have different time units as ms and s. So how can I force the unit to be s?

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Adam Danz
Adam Danz el 26 de Mayo de 2021
Editada: Adam Danz el 27 de Mayo de 2021
I don't know whether there's an input to spectrogram that could solve this but here's how to fix the labels after the plots are created.
You could detect whether the x-axis is in seconds or ms by the xlabel;
if strcmpi(ax1.XLabel.String, 'Time (ms)')
ax1.XTickLabels = compose('%.1f',ax1.XTick/1000); % set tick labels
xlabel(ax1, 'Time (s)') % set axis label
fs = 32000;
y1 = wgn(1*fs,1,1);
y2 = wgn(2*fs,1,1);
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1); % get handle
ax1.XTickLabels = compose('%.1f',ax1.XTick/1000); % set tick labels
xlabel(ax1, 'Time (s)') % set axis label

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