Represent array in percentage

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Nithesh Thakku Krishnamoorthy Ganesan
I have an array, I want to display the array in percentage such that the maximum value in the array is displayed as 100% and the minimum value as 0%. How do i this?
My array is [2.5 2.6 ........ 4.2]
I want to it to be displayed where 2.5 becomes 0% and 4.2 becomes 100%

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Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng el 14 de Jun. de 2021
Editada: Joseph Cheng el 14 de Jun. de 2021
you would take your array, subtract the minimum, then divide by the resulting maximum x 100
x = [2.4:.4:4.2];
x = x-min(x);
0 0.4000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000
percX = x./(max(x(:)))*100
percX = 1×5
0 25.0000 50.0000 75.0000 100.0000

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