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i want to make comparison between two matrices elements after creating the two matrices.

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
for i = 1:3
x{i} = rand(3,3);
How can you display a number say in matrix x{1} ,i want to get the number of row 2,column 3 and how can we make a comparison between matrix x{1} element and x{2} element???

Respuestas (2)

Jonas el 17 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Jonas el 17 de Jul. de 2021
you have access to cell entries e.g. by using x{1}(2,3); if your matrices have all the same size i would suggest saving them in an array using
x(:,:,i)= rand(3,3);
in your loop, then it is easily accessible by using conventional triple indexing. x{1}(2,3) would then be x(2,3,1)
  2 comentarios
chan el 18 de Jul. de 2021
Thank you Jonas for your reply. this concept i got it but how will you compare between each cell of two matrices????
Jonas el 18 de Jul. de 2021
it depends a bit on which element you want to comapre and how you want to compare them. if you want to compare the elements at posiiton x=3 and y =2 using a histogram you could call e.g. histogram(x(2,3,:))

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chan el 18 de Jul. de 2021
for i=1:5
for j=1:3
this is for creating one single matrix. i want to create more than 1 matrix say 6 matrices. all the values will be using rand function.So how to create??? using x(:,:,i)=rand(3,3) i got it but when we actually want to compare elements between two matrices , how will we do???


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