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Hello Everyone,
I would like to perform the cross correlation function (crosscorr (y1,y2)) for my data but donot have the Econometrics Toolbox to compute this. Can someone in here help me to get this toolbox or else show me where I could get one?
many thanks, Tobias
Hi. I'm new to matlab. I'm a hobbyst, not a company or anything like this. I brought MATLAB personal with some modules and I'll use to learn FPGA with ZedBoard + AD9361. I know that this board (both) are supported by simulink and I'll test/learn using simulink and block-design. My plan is to make an FM transmitter (for start) when my boards arrive (already brought, still waiting delivery). After that, my plan is to make an receiver and then, do the same receiver, but using another frontend (including ADC). So my question is: imagine that I have plugged in another ADC into my ZedBoard (let's say AD9226), is possible to read this ADC in simulink, like AD9361 does? If yes, how? Where can I find any article or tutorial about this?
Even further: if I want to generate HDL code in the future (using HDL Coder), how can I integrate this 'custom' AD for code generation?
PS: I know that I can't buy HDL Coder for personal. My plan is to use trial for testing, since I'm using just for learning.
Thank you.
I am trying to design the outer voltage loop of the inverter but i am unable to remove the 5,7th harmonics from the capacitor voltage as i am trying to supply nonlinear load. The file is in matlab2018b.
Model-Based Design speeds up developing embedded software for controllers in power electronics-based systems. Wherever you plan to use digital controls, you can use Model-Based Design to develop, test, and implement your algorithms. You can learn more about Model-Based Design in this white paper .
1.When I am trying to code my TMS320F28379D for running a three phase grid tied plant as per the attached image a scope in "SYNCHRONOUS SYSTEM " is showing perfect result but the result is not getting transferred to the "PI_Controller_ISR ".I have concluded this after I have connected the scope at the signal which is entering the "PI_Controller_ISR " subsystem (Inside the subsystem). I am trying to do this in MATLAB 2018B AND F28379D LAUNCHPAD.I am attaching the MATLAB fILE with this help request.Kindly resolve the issue. 2. I have been working on how to send the ADC signal from the C2000 MCU to the Host by seeing the video of** f28379D_DCDC_Buck** in external Mode, but when I downloaded the file and tried to run it by setting the parameters in the HARDWARE IMPLEMETATION pane it is showing me the error message. " Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of C28x SCI Receive block (mask) 'c28379Dpmsmfocdual_cpu1_ert/Serial Receive/SCI Receive'. Callback string is 'c28xsci_callback('renderDisplay') validateC280xSCI('Rx'); codertarget.registry.registerC280xSCIRxBlocks(gcb);
' Caused by: The SCI module A is already used by another block or by External Mode." Kindly resolve these issues.
Please send me some plant digital twin simulink model for productive maintenance.
i want to model LI+ battery , i referred to matlab model but not able to understand how to make simscape battery parametrs(like R C ), anybody can help ??
Lithium-ion batteries play an important role in the success of electric vehicles, energy storage, and a host of other devices and equipment in our daily lives. Read the announcement here.
Learn more about how MathWorks enables the use of Lithium-ion battery technology
Hi, How to represent a transfer function (TF) of a compensated system in MATLAB to plot the bode plot of it, without expanding the denominator? The TF is: T(s) = (1 + s/Wz) / ( (1 + s/Wp) * ( 1 + s/Wo + s^2/W0^2 ) )
I am simulating the attached paper on modulated model predictive control. I have done everything as in the paper. Can some please tell me about my mistake? I am so frustrating since two weeks. Thanks&Regards, G.Sivakumar.
If you are working on developing algorithms for Battery Management System, checkout this file exchange submission on BMS Reference Design. It includes example algorithms for SOC Estimation, Cell Balancing, Contactor Management and Current/Power Limit Calculations.
Visit MathWorks at booth 218 during the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) in Baltimore, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3. We will be partnering with Speedgoat to show real-time simulation solutions for power electronics control design. Also, join us for a panel session, The Role of Simulation Software for Power Electronics Control Design in Education, that will be held Thursday, Oct. 3.
As usual, we start the autumn with a new release. R2019b is live! Check out what's new in Simscape™ Electrical™ . Load Flow Analysis, delta-wound PMSM and BLDC models, power dissipation for all machines, Japanese language localization support and many more new features. Please share your experience with the latest version of Simscape Electrical.
Sir can you gave me also Extract face code
dear sir me creat that project me creat documentation can you gave me a code
Optimum SHE for Cascaded H Bridge Multilevel Inverters using (GA) Genetic Algorithm Multilevel Inverters for level 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13
please, I want to use the finite difference method to discretize the telegraphic equations, and then write a matlab code to observe the propagation of a pulse on a transmission line. Help me please
Hello everyone,
Recently i started using MATLAB Real Time Code Generation Tool to generate code for 3 phase Induction motor speed control using V/F. I used the piccolo launchpad F28027 to implement this V/F technique. I used a pot to get the frequency input and computed the corresponding Voltage using V/F ratio. When i tried implement it on the board, output PWM frequency was not exactly the same which i simulated. It was 2 - 3 times higher than the actual. So i tried reducing the inputs by the same 2-3 times. It worked. Question is, what the problem with the code and processor? why difference in PWM frequency between simulation and Realtime?