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I recently have found that I am no longer able to give my difficulty rating for questions on Cody after sucessfully completing a question. This is obviously not a big deal, I was just wondering if this was an issue on my end or if there was some change that I was not aware of.
The option to rate does not pop up after solving a problem, and the rating in general does not even show up anymore when answering questions (though it is visible from problem groups).
figure out what my old code does
write code comments for future me
address a code analyzer warning
reflect on the skills I've gained
get food on my mouse and keyboard
All of the above
16434 votos
Getting Started with Simulink | Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Simulink
Watch live as Tianyi Zhu and Ashwin Dhawad walk through how you can get started with Simulink by modeling, simulating, and tuning a PID controller for a DC Motor. This session isn’t just for beginners; they will show you the latest and greatest tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Simulink.
Date & Time: May 25, 2023 at 11:00 am EDT (see time in your time zone)
MATLAB Central has been great community-based MATLAB resources, but you can now access its content programmatically via the public API, and I created a MATLAB function to take advantage of that. You can learn more here
data = searchMATLABCentral("plotting",scope="matlab-answers",sort_order="created desc",created_after=datetime("2023-01-01"));
T = struct2table(data.items);
function results = searchMATLABCentral(query,options)
% SEARCGMATLABCENTRAL retrieves content of the MATLAB Central for a given
% query and returns the result as a struct.
% The function uses MathWorks RESTful API to search for content.
% The API is rate limited via IP throttling. No authentication is required.
% See API documentation for more details
% Input Arguments:
% query (string) - Required. The search query string.
% scope (string) - Optional. Specify the artifact. If not specified,
% the scope defaults to 'matlab-answers'.
% Other options include 'file-exchange','blogs','cody',
% 'community-highlights', and 'community-contests'.
% tags (string) - Optional. Specify a comma-separated list of tags.
% created_before (datetime) - Optional. Specify the last date in the results
% created_after (datetime) - Optional. Specify the first date in the results
% sort_order (string) - Optional. Speficy the order of the results.
% If not specified, it defaults to "relevance desc".
% Other options include 'created asc', 'created desc',
% 'updated asc','updated desc', 'relevance asc',
% and 'relevance desc'.
% page (integer) - Optional. Specify the page to retrieve.
% If the 'has_more' field in the result is positive,
% increment this argument to retrieve the next page.
% count (integer) - Optional. Specify the number of results as a value
% between 1 and 50; The default is 10.
% Output Arguments:
% results (struct) - Structure array containing the results of the search.
% validate input arguments
query string {mustBeNonzeroLengthText,mustBeTextScalar}
options.scope string {mustBeMember(options.scope,["matlab-answers", ...
"file-exchange","blogs","cody","community-highlights", ...
"community-contests"])} = "matlab-answers";
options.tags string {mustBeNonzeroLengthText,mustBeVector}
options.created_before (1,1) datetime
options.created_after (1,1) datetime
options.sort_order string {mustBeMember(options.sort_order,["created asc", ...
"created desc","updated asc","updated desc","relevance asc","relevance desc"])} double {mustBeInteger,mustBeGreaterThan(,0)}
options.count double {mustBeInteger,mustBeInRange(options.count,1,50)}
% API URL and endpoint
url = "";
endpoint = "/v1/search";
% convert MATLAB datetime to the internet datetime format string
if isfield(options,"created_before")
options.created_before = string(options.created_before,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
if isfield(options,"created_after")
options.created_after = string(options.created_after,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
% convert optional inputs into a cell array of key-value pairs
keys = fieldnames(options);
vals = struct2cell(options);
params = [keys,vals].';
% call the API
results = webread(url+endpoint,"query",query,params{:});
catch ME
Congratulations, @John D'Errico for winning the Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recognition of your awesome solution in What to be chosen c so that all elements of matrix B will be a round number. B=A.c; where A is the matrix of non integers. The OP has not accepted his answer yet, but
As with other nominated answers, you provided detailed explanation with examples to show that what the OP is looking for may not be possible in some cases.
Unfortunately, you can only get this badge once - perhaps this raises a question about how this award should work. In any case, we nonetheles appreciate your ongoing effort to help other users in the community. Thnk you so much!
MATLAB Central Team
Object Detection and Tracking using Computer Vision
In this event, Matt and Megan show you how to perform one or the more difficult task in computer vision: tracking multiple objects.
They will walk through an example from the new Coursera specialization, Computer Vision for Engineering and Science. The code and video used in the example are available to those who sign up for the specialization.
Date & Time: May 11, 2022 at 11:00 am EDT (see time in your time zone)
Wireless Connectivity and Radar
Autonomous Systems and Robotics
Cloud, Enterprise, and DevOps
Algorithms and Data Analytics
Modeling and Simulation
179 votos
<= 6 GB
7–12 GB
13–22 GB
23–46 GB
47–90 GB
>= 91 GB
15925 votos
Última actividad el 18 de Jul. de 2023

Yes, the available tools are great
Yes, the available tools need help
No, but I would like to
No, it is not important to me
What is test-driven development?
1955 votos
In the past, but not now
What is Simulink Project?
2443 votos
In the past, but not now
What is MATLAB Project?
4533 votos
Absolute path
Relative inside the top project
Relative outside the top project
All the above
21 votos
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
Última actividad el 28 de Abr. de 2023

Beginner, Novice, still learning
Adequate, I can get by easily
Proficient / fluent can do anything
Grand Master, one of the very best
2510 votos
AI, Robotics, Autonomous Systems: MATLAB EXPO is coming up soon and it is time to register. It's free and open to everyone. You will have the opportunity to connect with engineers, scientists, educators, and researchers, and new ideas.
disp('It is time to register for MATLAB EXPO 2023!');
Featured Sessions:
  • Project-Based Learning and Design with Simulation - Professor Claire Lucas, King’s College London
  • How Siemens Energy Enables the Global Energy Transition - Jens Dietrich, Siemens Energy AG
Features Topics:
  • AI
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Electrification
  • Robotics
Congratulations, @John D'Errico for winning the Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recognition of your awesome solution in How to fit a biexponential decay function
You explained the general process of solving this problem and explored several options until he got to the a good model. This is very instructional and would be useful for anyone who run into similar problems.
Unfortunately, you can only get this badge once - so there will be no new badge for you this time, but we nonetheles appreciate your ongoing effort to help other users in the community. Thnk you so much!
MATLAB Central Team
If you use MATLAB online, you might already know about the advanced search feature that groups your results into the top suggestions by type of result – such as examples functions or blocks. This release, there is a new group for video results: you can see an icon sized thumbnail and the video length all in the search box dialog.
Try out all the search groups - you can even try it out in dark mode!
Heather and Yann talk about their journeys that span both open-source and MATLAB and Jousef ask them what they think of MATLAB vs. Python, and AI in general, including ChatGPT. It is a very casual and open conversation about range of interesting topics. Don't miss it!
Congratulations, @the cyclist for winning the Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recognition of your awesome solution in Center of gaussian mixed distribution area.
Thank you for going to great lengths to help a user in this thread. It appears you downloaded the academic paper and read parts of it to figure out how to help the user.
This is a new badge we just introduced to recognize awesome answers people contribute and yours was picked for discovering a creative way to solve the problem, and made the solution clear, and reproducible. Thank you so much for setting a high standard for MATLAB Answers and for your ongoing contribution to the community.
MATLAB Central Team
Congratulations, @Image Analyst, for hitting this important milestone!
You provided 37,574 anwers and received 11,750 votes. You are ranked #2 in the community, Thank you for your contribution to the community!
MATLAB Central Team
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