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Hello, Recently I have started working on a thermal management project at my Institute. I am taking some hints from en example of EV thermal management provided by MATLAB. I am having an issue in deciding how the battery current and powertrain heat load is calculated as a function of vehicle speed. It would be helpful if someone could provide some links or references regarding this. (Also, attaching a screenshot of the example for better understanding)

Hello! I am a 3rd year mechanical engineering student from IIT Ropar. We are participating in EBAJA 2022. I thank Mathworks for providing the customisable vehicle template
I have learnt to customise the models parameters of Bus, Sedan, Trucks, etc using the UI provided. However the vehicle models does not include the BAJA ATV in it which we required the most for the animations and simulation results. I needed some assistance for replacing the given vehicle model with a BAJA ATV.
-Tushar Raut LinkedIn: