
Chris Perkins


Con actividad desde 2017

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I joined MathWorks after finishing my undergraduate degree in Computer Science from the University of Rochester.


  • Knowledgeable Level 3
  • 3 Month Streak
  • Knowledgeable Level 2
  • First Answer

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I have a cell array A and a cell array B and want to re-order info in A according to B.
Here's one approach you could use to re-order the elements of A in a new cell, C: % Assuming A and B are already loaded int...

alrededor de 6 años hace | 0

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waitforbuttonpress not working after print call
Hi Haebom, I have replicated this on my end, and observed similar behavior. From what I saw, it appears that mouse clicks are...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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Images being shrunk when added to uiaxes in AppDesigner
Hi, Take a look at Duncan's answer on this MATLAB Answers post: <

más de 6 años hace | 0

How to integrate using a for loop and plot the result?
Hi Andrea, You can use "linspace" to create a large number of points over your given range, then calculate the function value...

más de 6 años hace | 1

Looking for string sequence within excel table with an unidentified number of spaces inbetween characters
Hi Saeid, You can remove all spaces using "regexprep" before doing the comparison. For example, % Setting up sample str...

más de 6 años hace | 0

How to apply a function to an indexed array without loop
Hi Laura, You might be able to re-structure your problem a bit and use "arrayfun", which applies a function to each value in ...

más de 6 años hace | 0

input to a web page with script
Hi Farhad, To just open a webpage, you can use the function "web", as described in the following documentation page: <htt...

más de 6 años hace | 0

App Designer: Using function outputs as variables within other functions
Hi Sam, The best way of storing data in one function in an AppDesigner app for use in another function is to create a new 'pr...

más de 6 años hace | 8

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How do you generate specific values on random points?
Hi Ian, If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to associate a certain number (either 0 or 1) with each ...

más de 6 años hace | 0

How do I plot a double integral ?
Hi Robin, To calculate a definite double integral in MATLAB, you can use the function "integral2", which is described on the ...

más de 6 años hace | 1

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How to save figures directly to a folder without having them display?
Hi Zach, When you create a figure, you can set the 'visibile' property to 'off', which will cause it not to display. Then any...

más de 6 años hace | 2

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variation of columns in textscan
Hi Mikkel, You can use the function "strcat" to programmatically combine smaller formats to build up your final formatSpec. ...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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Group bar graph, with different group sizes?
Hi Tracy, As a matrix in MATLAB cannot have a different number of columns per row, you will have to pad any rows that are not...

más de 6 años hace | 0

How to dispaly the value in imshow
Hi Kwanghun, You can use "annotation" to place text on your figure. Here is an example: % Just setting up a sample ...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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Using aoctool in the right way
Hi Eric, "aoctool" should work fine for your use case, given your description. The fact that one group might have more elemen...

más de 6 años hace | 0

matlab load file and plot
Hi Haowei, You can read TXT files into MATLAB using various methods, including: The Import Tool, as described in the follo...

más de 6 años hace | 0

Scatter plot: Slightly wrong position of measurement points when they are drawn as circles
I ran your reproduction code in several versions of MATLAB. In R2017a and R2016b, I observe the same issue that your image sh...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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How can I separate Complicated CSV file
Hi Barry, Since there is no marker present in the CSV file to say which rows are headers and which contain data, and since th...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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How to begin with multiple graphs of 'y(x+1)=y(x)+0.02*randn;' from x=1? i.e. 10 graphs?
Hi Karolina, If I understand your question correctly, you want multiple graphs created, and then to plot your function on all...

más de 6 años hace | 0

Matlab throws Java errors when opening help or internal browser
Hi George, Based on the exception, it seems likely this is being caused by you not having write permission for your temp dire...

más de 6 años hace | 1

How to access the variables with similar name in different mat files in sub-folders
Hi Duminda, Here's a quick example of loading files as you describe and combining the data into one new array. I scaled-do...

más de 6 años hace | 0

Global Optimization Toolbox - Activate trial
Hi Gloria, Installing a trial toolbox follows the same process as installing a professionally licensed toolbox. You will ...

más de 6 años hace | 0

How can I reactivate MATLAB Student Version R2016b?
Hi Jiabo, Refer to the following MATLAB Answers post for reactivating Student Versions between R2008b and R2013b: <https:/...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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Select all the data in listbox using single click of pushbutton
Hi Ghanshyam, In your 'Select All' pushbutton callback, you can add the following code to select all elements currently displ...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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How do you perform nominal multi class logistic regression
Hi Jason, You should be able to use the example 'Train Multiclass Linear Classification Model' on the documentation page for ...

casi 7 años hace | 0

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Sparse matrix with diagonal zero and elements in every row/column
Hi Evelyn, The code below shows how to compute a sparse square matrix where each row and column have at least one non-zero va...

casi 7 años hace | 0

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.fig or .crg into 3D World Editor
Hi Stefan, The only file types supported by the 3D World Editor are VRML and X3D. You can convert STL files to VRML or X3D...

casi 7 años hace | 0

How to interpret log probability from hmmdecode?
Hi Austin, That is the correct way of interpreting the probability, which in this instance is almost zero. However, the given...

casi 7 años hace | 1

Issue Regarding KL divergence Implementation in MATLAB
Hi Muhammad, KL Divergence produces a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the expectation of extremely similar behavior...

casi 7 años hace | 0

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Help with data-fitting using lsqcurvefit and MultiStart
"MultiStart" can help improve results. It works to find a global minimum, rather than a local minimum, so when "lsqcurvefit" fin...

casi 7 años hace | 1

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