
Matt J

Last seen: Today Con actividad desde 2009

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Professional Interests: medical image processing, optimization algorithms PLEASE NOTE: I do not read email sent through my author page. Please post questions about FEX submissions in their respective Comments section.


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How can I calibrate a fixed camera to obtain accurate measurements of objects at different distances, despite height variations and pixel distortion?
You cannot determine the size of the object from a single camera without knowing its distance from the camera. You would need tw...

alrededor de 13 horas hace | 0

Setting bounds for constants in a fit() object in terms of other constants in the fit object
As a more indirect approach, instead of fitting, y=A*log(B*x-C) %D has been deliberately removed - it is unnecessary you coul...

4 días hace | 0

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1D gaussian filter for A-scans (OCT)
See imgaussfilt, e.g., A=zeros(1,11); A((end+1)/2)=1 B=imgaussfilt(A,1.2)

4 días hace | 0

Finding zeros of intersection of the "x-axis" - Error using "fzero"
tic close all; clc; % For the region k_o < k_p < sqrt(u_r*e_r)*k_o % Wavelength value lambda lambda = 1; % Wavenumber...

5 días hace | 0

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Why are the gradients not backpropagating into the encoder in this custom loop?
In terms of what may be different from trainnet, I don't see any regularization in your customized loop. You have a function cal...

6 días hace | 0

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How to define a slicing like x(i).property in a custom class?
function varargout = subsref(this, s) switch s(1).type case '()' ...

8 días hace | 0

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GPU memory usage for Hadamard product
This is just a guess, but possibly the GPU memory is fragmented. I.e., maybe your available 28GB is broken into blocks that are ...

8 días hace | 0

Loop data in both x and y direction, and do linear fit of each y at each x
t = 15:15:1440; %time MSD=readmatrix('MSDdata.xlsx'); A=t.'.^[1,0]; slopes=nan(size(MSD)); for i=1:height(A) tm...

11 días hace | 0

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Loop data in both x and y direction, and do linear fit of each y at each x
Perhaps this is what you want. matrix1=rand(96,1); matrix2=rand(96,150); [Xslope,Tslope]=gradient(matrix2,1:150,matrix1); ...

11 días hace | 0

"tighter" tile spacing and uniform tile height using tiledlayout?
You could also play with the tilespan: % Create tiled layout tiledlayout(1,305,'TileSpacing','none','Padding','none'); % I...

11 días hace | 1

"tighter" tile spacing and uniform tile height using tiledlayout?
One option would be to download subaxis, as an alternative to tiledlayout. s=.01; % Image A subaxis(1,3,1,'SpacingHoriz',s)...

11 días hace | 1

How can I use the data of a set of matrices labelled in order
data_1=10; data_2=20; data_3=30; data_4=40; data_5=50; Data=arrayfun(@(i)evalin('caller', "data_"+i), 1:5,'uni',0)

12 días hace | 0

Where can I find a good example of using tied weights in nested layers?
The example at your link is for R2024a, but the version of Matlab you are running is only R2023b.

12 días hace | 0

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Formatting Data in dlarray for Deep Learning Models
You cannot do that, but you shouldn't need to. Because the dimensions are all identified by labels (in this case CBT), trainnet(...

12 días hace | 0

Assigning many cell array entries to same value using index
You should probably be using strings or catgorical arrays instead of cells. Regardless, it is easy to switch back and forth: ce...

13 días hace | 1

Assigning many cell array entries to same value using index
Another way, [cellArray{iHigh}] = deal('High'); [cellArray{iLow}] = deal('Low');

13 días hace | 1

Single struct as alternative to name-value pairs in user-defined function
You would have to use the older inputParser system to do that kind of thing, with the StructExpand property set to true (the def...

14 días hace | 1

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imregcorr() misaligns images badly
Phase correlation isn't going to be a good algorithm for images of a starry field. I think your best bet is to do landmark extra...

14 días hace | 1

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Merging different legend labels
One way, x1 = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5]; y1 = [5, 3, 2.8, 1.7, 1.2]; y2 = [6.5, 4.7, 3.5, 1.9, 1.3]; x2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; y3 = [6, 5...

15 días hace | 0

Trouble with inheritance i MATLAB OOP
Remove these property declarations from PathParameterFile, properties Path; xmlStruct; ...

15 días hace | 0

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I have been working on 3D imaging in the form of pixels with spheres in a box and need help in finding out the contact points in between the spheres in the produced pixel data
This assumes SS contains the edge map of the two spheres and nothing else. L=bwlabel( imfill(SS~=0,'holes') ); se=ones(3); ...

15 días hace | 0

The extrinsic function 'perms' is not available for standalone code generation.
Here's an alternative implementation of perms(), suitable for small vectors. Maybe pre-2024b Coder will find it more pallatable....

15 días hace | 0

what type of deep learning network?
It is a feedforward neural network.

15 días hace | 0

Enforce condition in lsqnoneg
Suppose your original problem is, Rewrite the problem by making the change of variables x=Q*z where z>=0 and Q=eye(160...

16 días hace | 0

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What are the packages I need to select while installing MATALB for suceessfully installing MATLAB runtime.
This might help:

19 días hace | 0

Formatting Data in dlarray for Machine Learning Input
XTrain(1:10)={rand(3,540)}; %hypothetical data XTrain=dlarray( cat(3, XTrain{:}) ,'CTB')

21 días hace | 0

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Using dlarray with betarnd/randg
Random number generation operations do not have derivatives in the standard sense. You will have to define some approximate deri...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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Degrade image with known MTF to another desired MTF
sfrmat3 is 3rd party code, so nobody here knows what it is doing. I suspect at least part of the problem is that img_blurred is ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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Update a value in a struct in another function
You must return the modified myStruct from myUpdate(): myStruct.myLength = 1 myStruct = myUpdate(myStruct) function myStr...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Deep learning numerical regression, no images, custom loss function
I don't know what kind of hidden layer architecture you would want for such an application, but the network below (layer graph a...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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