Matt J
Professional Interests: medical image processing, optimization algorithms PLEASE NOTE: I do not read email sent through my author page. Please post questions about FEX submissions in their respective Comments section.
280 Preguntas
12.033 Respuestas
38 Archivos
Cody5 Problemas
33 Soluciones
of 297.672
280 Preguntas
12.033 Respuestas
205 of 20.464
38 Archivos
of 159.351
5 Problemas
33 Soluciones
0 Publicaciones
0 Público Canales
3 Temas destacados
Numeric vector indexing slows down when the vector is a struct field. Why?
In the speed comparision below, the only difference between Version 1 and Version 2 is that the vector being updated is the fiel...
alrededor de 12 horas hace | 1 respuesta | 0
respuestaNon-linear scaling for linear increase in complexity
I suspect it's it's a combination of, (1) inefficiences in 2nd level indexing of class properties (2) hidden optimizations d...
alrededor de 13 horas hace | 0
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how to read in a curved region of interest that is one plane?
I don't quite understand what you are trying to do, but I have the vague impression you are trying to interpolate an image on a ...
alrededor de 20 horas hace | 0
What coordinate system does regionprops assume for orientation angle?
You can still view the Orientation properties coordinate system as x-right, y-down, z-into-screen. However, the direction of pos...
alrededor de 21 horas hace | 0
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Which dimension(s) does trainingOptions shuffle apply to?
You can use analyzeNetwork to see which dimension is the batch dimension.However, I believe it will always be the last dimension...
3 días hace | 0
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finding partial solutions from ill-conditioned equations
If you know which x(i) are well-determined, you could use lsqminnorm. In this example, we know that only x(1:2) are well-determi...
3 días hace | 0
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Optimization method based on the Nonlinear least squares as well as fmincon for the defined objective function (Non-linear function).
The goal is to use some inverse method to get the same 3D datasets; therefore, after defining the objective function, I applied ...
4 días hace | 0
I am encountering a persistent error with the predict function in the Deep Learning Toolbox within MATLAB 2024b.
You need, testDlarray = dlarray(randn(inputSize,1), 'CB'); or, testDlarray = dlarray(randn(1, inputSize), 'BC');
4 días hace | 0
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I have a N*N matrix depicting the intensities at different points in a circular plane. They are different intensities on a disc. How to plot the image?
clc, close all force N = 10; % Number of polar samples M = peaks(N); % Example heat map data T = linspace(0, 2*pi, N)'; %...
6 días hace | 0
Parpool in Pattern search with temp directories
The process continous but i get these warnings:Warning: Unable to create a parallel pool. Continuing with evaluations in serial....
6 días hace | 0
Fittype that calls a subfunction and integration with appdesigner
Your model is linear (in p). Using a nonlinear least squares fitter is super inefficient. So, instead, you should do, A = cell...
7 días hace | 0
Diff does not work with symmatrix
Element-wise exponentiation is not a standard matrix algebra operation. I imagine it is for that reason that symmatrix.diff() do...
7 días hace | 0
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How to call a centralized class from multiple deployed applications
If the platform is Windows then, according to ChatGPT, you can deploy the class as a COM server, so that another deployed MATLA...
8 días hace | 0
Define a custom input layer in the deep learning toolbox
In the Deep Learning Toolbox, it is possible to define one's own custom output layers and hidden layers. Is there no way to defi...
8 días hace | 0 respuestas | 0
respuestasHow to plot a loss function in reinforcement learning
This File Exchange submission looks reasonably popular, but I haven't used it myself, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/f...
9 días hace | 0
Is it possible to reduce this for loop into one line of code?
Headers = findMissing(Headers); %One line
9 días hace | 1
Pagewise multiplication along a dimension without using a for loop?
If you can build X in cell array form, instead of 4D form, you can save some time as well: X = randi([1 10],2,2,10,5); Xc = ...
9 días hace | 0
pinv failing on single precision matrices
It doesn't look like a bug. Contrary to what you claim, the matrix is not very invertible, showing a condition number of ~1e7, ...
9 días hace | 0
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freeze some weights inside of a fullconnected layer
It is possible with a custom layer. See this recent, related thread, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2174601-ho...
10 días hace | 0
Cell2table issues when a numerical column is read as strings
I would also have many columns, some of which could be made up of: (a) all doubles (b) a mix of empty strings (e.g., ' ', ' ...
11 días hace | 0
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Pagewise multiplication along a dimension without using a for loop?
No, but looking at your code, I would guess that the speed is being encumbered much more by the operation length(X(1,1,1,:)) tha...
11 días hace | 1
Add a class folder to path
Nothing is wrong. @-directories should not and do not need to be on the path as long as their parent directory is. You can auto...
11 días hace | 0
How to read all rows of an Excel with missing rows included?
ActiveX can be used to determine the last row/column of the worksheet: Then, you can force readcell to read in a larger range wi...
12 días hace | 0
Make gca() responsive to appDesigner axes clicks
I have an appdesigner app such as below with a uipanel containing regular images (not uiimages). I also have many, many standal...
13 días hace | 1 respuesta | 0
respuestapolyshape not closing a circle
An added complication is that the resulting union may have multiple regions, so I cannot just duplicate the first vertex to the ...
13 días hace | 0
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How can I create multiple function handles in a for loop?
The best would be to just have a matrix-valued function, fun=@(x) x.^2-mymat(:).*x+mymat(:) but you could make a cell array of...
14 días hace | 0
Filtering Blobs on a Binary Image
If you can form an under-estimate of the extent of the blobs, let's call them sub-blobs, then you can fit a Gaussian lobe to the...
14 días hace | 0
Why does the Code Analyzer flag this as an error?
Mathworks Support has classified it as a bug.
15 días hace | 1
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How do you change the output dimension of a NN layer?
Should I flatten the inputs and then concatenate them similar to this example? Probably. See if the attached network does what...
16 días hace | 0
Display a small matrix as a gray scale image
T2 =[ 0.4706 0.9804 0.8392 0.3216 0.9804 0.8392 0.3216 0.4706 0.8392 0.3216 0.4706 0.9...
16 días hace | 0
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