Swetha Polemoni
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I am Application Support Engineer at Mathworks.
Disclaimer: Any articles /ideas/opinions here are my own and no way reflect that of Mathworks
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How visual speech recognition is done using CNN and LSTM in Matlab?
Hi It is my understanding that you wanted to know how to work/ use LSTM and CNN in Matlab. The following documentations might h...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Can I control create interface to save pictures from Xenics Software ?
Hi Haris It is my understanding that you wanted communicate with Xenics Software using matlab. You can connect Xenics Camera t...
más de 3 años hace | 0
How to get feedforwardnet outputs for all hidden neurons?
Hi xin hui leong, The error "unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have different number of elements" w...
más de 3 años hace | 1
How to set up Sparkfun Redboard in MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware Documentation
Hi It is my understanding that you want connect Sparkfun Redboard to Matlab. The first step is to get hardware support package....
más de 3 años hace | 0
How do I partition data sets for cross validation in MATLAB?
Hi It is my understanding that you want to partition the dats randomly. You can use either cvpartition from Statistics and Mach...
más de 3 años hace | 0
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reverse transformation for scale up 2 times for rows and 1.6 times for columns(a image), don't use MATLAB or any other build-in functions imwarp
Hi Inverse of matrix can be found by inv. It is my understanding that you want to find the inverse of your image 'inp'. The fo...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Old-version simscape model cannot run on MATLAB 2020
Hi, The error is because Simscape no longer supports use of first-generation functions and blocks in 2017, so it cannot find t...
más de 3 años hace | 1
R2021a can't use Help, and reported failure. Can't set the preference - Help
Hi, The "NoClassDefFoundError" error is thrown because MATLAB was not able to locate Java Runtime libraries that are used by th...
más de 3 años hace | 0
feedforward net for regression.
Hi Pappu Murthy, It is my understanding you wanted to train a network given input and true lables(Supervised learning). I under...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Matlab 2021a freezes on startup for ~5 min, then becomes responsive
Hi Please reach out to our Support Team. They would be able to assist you with installation and licensing issues.
más de 3 años hace | 0
Hi fft and nufft both are fast ways to calculate Discrete Fourier Transform of any signal. The only disadvantage of fft over n...
más de 3 años hace | 0
increase processing speed of code entropy histcount
Hi In the following documentation general techniques to improve the performance has been mentioned Techniques to Improve Perfo...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Adding a new plot to existing figure
Hi You cannot have two y axes in fit however you can have z axis along with x and y axes to fit your data. Here is an example ...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Compare two Fourier series to depict the signal smoothness
Hi You can use findpeaks to find local maxima i.e., all the peaks in the signal. Now invert the siganl and use "findpeaks" to ...
más de 3 años hace | 0
How to share variables across Matlab App Designer Apps
Hi A similar question has been discussed on the following MATLAB answers link. You may find this helpful How to share data bet...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Can a neural net be trained to solve this problem?
Hi It is my understanding that you want to categorise trace segment to its mean line(class). You can use Classification for the...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Problem installing the Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP
Hi Here is a possible work around/solution that you may find useful It still should be possible to programmatically setup your...
más de 3 años hace | 0
i am trying to solve ODE with the help of laplace transform, but it shows error in doing so, why?
Hi The error is due to usage of x(t) before decalaring it . Try the following line of code. syms x(t) Hope this helps
más de 3 años hace | 0
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Transformation of time domain to frequency domain
Hi You may find the following documention Digital and Analog Filters useful to understand more about filters. This documentati...
más de 3 años hace | 0
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Training a audio classification neural network with .csv's containing features over time
Hi It is my understanding that you want to feed the network with tabularTextDatastore. You can use transform to convert the t...
más de 3 años hace | 0
MATLAB Neural Network - Forward Propagation
Hi, You might want to check on the format of for loops you have used(for ii = 0: ii < length(NINPUTS)). This can be replaced w...
más de 3 años hace | 0
in the picture below you can find a message which describe what I need to fix in these two equations in the description.
Hi As the warning clearly mentioned, try replacing inv(A + diag(zeta))*b with b/ inv(A + diag(zeta)). Because in Matlab inv(...
más de 3 años hace | 0
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Biexponential fit help?
Hi, The following answer might help you. Biexponential fitting (non-linear regression)on Matlab
más de 3 años hace | 0
How to save data when execution is paused
Hi Divij Gupta In Matlab, whenever a pause button is pressed all the workspace variables are updated according the latest run o...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Error Using Prediction With LSTM
Hi It is observed that you are calling "predict" on the layerGraph object/layers array. predict is not allowed on layerGraph ob...
más de 3 años hace | 0
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Under, perfect, and over sampling a function and zero-order hold interpolation
Hi, For a signal sin(2*pi*fm*t) , fm is its frequency. To sample this signal replace t = N*Ts. where N is an integer and Ts is ...
más de 3 años hace | 0
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Get image mouse click position in App Designer
Hi, The following answer might help you. How to get pixel's position of an image in UIAxis in AppDesigner?
más de 3 años hace | 0
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signal.fftconvolve equivalent in Matlab
Hi Avik Mahata It is my understanding that you want to do convolution and autocorrelation in matlab. You can use Matlab functio...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Plotting graph with different color points
Hi To generate a random value in a given range, "randi" Matlab function can be used. Following is an answer that will help to ...
más de 3 años hace | 0
Rectangle Detection in An Image
Hi Ryan Murphy, You may find Edge detection methods for finding object boundaries in images helpful.
más de 3 años hace | 0