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How can I get a random number between 9.9775 and 10.0225?
>>randi([9.9775 10.0225])
más de 7 años hace | 0
hi. i have two guis main and sub . i have stored inputs from all the edit boxes in sub in a variable, var. i need to tranfer var to main gui.and use it for further logic.kindly help.
Hi Alankrita, you can use assignin command to save the variables in base workspace and use evalin command to access them from ...
más de 7 años hace | 0
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How can I identify the indices of rows containing all NaNs from matrix?
% idenfity NaN's in the matrix k = isnan(a); % find the indices of NaN's find(k==1);
casi 8 años hace | 0
How I can define a varying parameter in Simulink Test?
i guess you want to change the gain value while the simulink model is running. you can do that by giving the below command in y...
alrededor de 9 años hace | 0
open Eclipse ide using activex server command
Hi, I want to open the eclipse ide using matlab script and build the code. please help me how it can be achieved using activex ...
más de 9 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0
respuestasinterfacing CAM with matlab
Hi, The error says that the mex file for the sfun is not available. how did u build that s-function
casi 10 años hace | 0
how can I create this function in matlab? I am a new user and I am having a hard time.
function Summantion(x) n=1; Sum = 0; while( n <= 40) term = pow(x,n)/factorial(n); if term <= 0.00001 ...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 0
form a row vector
x = [5 6 16 17 27 28 38 39....] n = input('enter the total number of elements'); x = x[1:n]; disp(x);
alrededor de 10 años hace | 0
I want to create a for loop which creates different pairs each time.
for i=1:p for j=1:p if (i~=j) disp('i is equal to'); disp(i); disp(...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 0
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mapping numbers to another number
use vq = interp1(x,v,xq) where x is the first set of numbers and r is the second set of numbers. x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 0
programmatic GUI callback function
I want to access the GUI control from the call back function. how can I do this. I got the below code from Matlab help but it gi...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 2 respuestas | 0
respuestasHow can i run different timelines in Simuink?
hi. you need to develop a scheduler where in the subsystem2 gets triggered based on subsystem1
casi 11 años hace | 0
Constant Data type in matlab??
follow the link <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/98309-is-it-possible-to-create-constant-variables-in-matlab Is i...
casi 11 años hace | 1
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how can i make an infinitely simulating model in simulink?
enter the stop time of the simulink model as 'inf' and run the model. This will execute the model in an infinte loop
casi 11 años hace | 3
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Help me to solve a problem please.
cnt = 1; for i = -pi:pi x(cnt) = i; f(cnt) = exp(-i); cnt = cnt+1; end plot(x,f) xlabel('pi v...
casi 11 años hace | 0
Function does not calculate desired variable.
In the function that you have written EV, N ,t,s are in separate if -else if conditions and only on of them executes at a time...
casi 11 años hace | 0
Simulink Code Generation for mathematical funktions
Hi Onur, please find the attached model. i have modeled your requirement. generate the code for this model. check out the 'Ma...
casi 11 años hace | 0
How to find error in function file
yes you can run the function file separately. enter the name of the function in the command prompt and press enter. you ne...
casi 11 años hace | 0
How do I run MATLAB in batch mode?
<http://www.mathworks.in/matlabcentral/answers/41558-how-to-run-matlab-files-in-batch-mode-or-as-a-batch-process-guide-request H...
casi 11 años hace | 0
How to determine the number of inputs of block simulink from the command line?
click on the Simulink block/Subsystem for which you have to find the inputs and then use the following commands a = get_pa...
casi 11 años hace | 2
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how can i solve [parse error at 'clear': usage might be invalid matlab syntax]
remove the end and clears statement and use it
casi 11 años hace | 0
Basic Question on Imported Data Size
reshape(A,1,15000) where A(3x5000) is the imported data
casi 11 años hace | 0
how to use result of one function for another function??
mainscript.m c=2; d=3; [ x1, x2] = result( c, d ) [ y ] = heatsource( x1, x2 ) result.m function [ x1, ...
casi 11 años hace | 0
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Matrix formation by applying some operation using loop logic.
A = [7 7 7 1 0;6 0 0 0 0; 0 6 0 4 0;0 0 0 4 2;0 0 6 0 2]; for i = 1:5 for j = 1:5 if i == j ...
casi 11 años hace | 1
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How to execute .m file by pressing Push button in the created GUI?
write only the file name instead of run(tikhnovphh1). function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % ...
casi 11 años hace | 2
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How do I open a file by pressing a pushbutton in GUIDE?
use the following command in the call back function of the push button winopen('mydoc.doc') winopen('myimage.jpg') winope...
casi 11 años hace | 4
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How can I split an array of float point numbers in two different arrays based on a dot (.) delimiter?
numbers can be converted into strings using 'num2str' command and they can be splitted using 'strtok' command
casi 11 años hace | 0
How do I make a master script that can call other scripts?
master_script.m function1(); function2(); function3(); end of master_script.m function1(); %implements the ...
casi 11 años hace | 0
add result to next entry of the column
if a is your initial array then sum = 25; for i = 1:length(a) sum = sum+a(i); end
casi 11 años hace | 0
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