Kevin Holly
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App Designer GUI cutting off at top
I'm going to make the assumption that your colleague has a different screen resolution. I would suggest using the UI Component u...
24 días hace | 0
Displaying colorbar shrinks displayed image.
Mark, Here are 3 techniques that you can you depending on what you desire: Method 1 % Read in standard demo image. fileN...
24 días hace | 1
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How do you put lcolorbar in UIAxes (app designer)?
Let's say I want to place this in App Designer. [Z,R] = readgeoraster("n39_w106_3arc_v2.dt1","OutputType","double"); [vis,visR...
9 meses hace | 0
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how to specify pcolor color scheme
% Define the ranges for the variables I0 = 1:10; % X-axis values P0 = 1:15; % Y-axis values % Create meshgrid matrices for ...
9 meses hace | 0
Remove black background in a translated png plot
I = imread("cameraman.tif"); imshow(I) title("Original Image") J = imtranslate(I,[15, 25],'FillValues',255); %Add Fill Values...
10 meses hace | 1
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Why is uistyle("Icon",'error') making a transparent icon when the UITable is not on the first tab of a tabgroup?
Update: This issue is fixed in MATLAB R2024b. That is interesting. Here is a workaround for now, you can just hardcode the...
10 meses hace | 1
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Avoid overlapping different graphs that are placed in the same positions
You need to specify the axes you want to hold. By default, the hold command target the current axes that can be called with gca....
10 meses hace | 0
How to prevent the connecting of dots between two data points when the middle points are missing in plot
x1=1:10; y1=sin(x1*2*pi/18); x2=x1; x2(5:6)=NaN;%Change this to NaN y2=sin(x2*1.8*pi/18); figure(1) plot(x1,y1,'-bx',x2,y2...
10 meses hace | 0
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Mapping toolkit: problems plotting near the pole
James, I reported the issue and obtained the following workaround: load coastlines % Invert the orientation of the line d...
11 meses hace | 0
write matrix, appending data
ppm_data = rand(1,10); filename = 'myexcelfile.xlsx'; Tag = 'Sheetname'; nextI=2; format shortEng nextI2=3; format shortEng ...
11 meses hace | 0
Appdesigner uigetfile focus error
첨부된 앱을 참조하세요. focus(app.UIFigure)
11 meses hace | 1
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How can I plot my coórdinates on top of the map, Ans how can I choose my own area? Cannot find a tutorial on the subject.
land = readgeotable("landareas.shp"); geoplot(land) geolimits([50 52], [2.5 4.5]) % Set geographic limits % Coördinates to ...
12 meses hace | 0
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Making something like 'findpeaks' function without using threshold
Is there a particular reason that you don't want to use findpeaks function? To be clear on what you would like as an output, ...
alrededor de 1 año hace | 0
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Checkboxes values don't change after checking them off in UItable in app designer
Below the logical array, app.ofchan, is defined as all false (0) . app.ofchan = false(size(subsystem.ChannelNames)); If you wa...
alrededor de 1 año hace | 0
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Not getting the output in app interface even code is written
Ehtisham, I made a few changes to your app. See attached. Let me know if this helps or if you have any questions.
alrededor de 1 año hace | 1
problem to add property in app designer
Remove the extra "end" on line 22. The function button was purposely disabled since you had an extra end.
más de 1 año hace | 0
Contours on Geoaxe with addCustomBasemap
You can use the getContourLineCoordinates function from the File Exchange. Create contours with contourf [X,Y,Z] = peaks; [M,...
más de 1 año hace | 1
Powerpoint Generation MATLAB App Issues
Ratanjot, Try writing the full path to your image files and see if that resolves the issue. I am assuming you are receivin...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Problem in displaying an image with imshow in app designer
I looked at your file and experienced the same problem. I was able to switch the parent to app.UIAxes2 and it worked. I ended up...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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how to obtain additional space in the panel
Yes, you can create an uicontextmenu. You could also create another app that is called by pressing a button. You could also c...
más de 1 año hace | 1
Reconstruct 3D model from slices scan (tif file)
You can tiffreadVolumeor read to import the tiff files. If you have multiple tiff files, you can read them in a loop and generat...
más de 1 año hace | 1
Optimization of a script
You can use fmincon. a = [1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1]; b0 = 2; % Initial guess for b c0 = 3.2; % Initial guess for c % Define the...
más de 1 año hace | 0
enter values from 0 to N (imposed value) with step of 100 on the x-axis of the bar graph
I'm not exactly sure what you want to see. Are one of the 3 graphs below what you want? matrix = [64, 440; 65, 489; 66, 581; 67...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Regression Learner App - relative weights of variables
Assuming that you exported your trained model as the variable trainedModel and that you have a linear model, you can access a ta...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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Unable to write the signalname on signal line and block name in simulink 2009b
Have you tried right clicking the signal line and then going to Signal Properties? In Signal Properties, there should be a Name ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
I am learning matlab app designer for my project and facing problems to plot a graph.
I could not replicate the error. I made a simliar app (see attached). I ran it on R2023a Update 5. Is your MATLAB fully update...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Changing the linestyles of individual lines in stackedplot subplots in AppDesigner.
I made an app to test this (see attached). I was able to replicate it in R2022b Update 5, but not R2023a. As Walter suggested, i...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Matlab Opens smithplot in new figure
For the smithplot function, you need to change the Parent to the app.UIAxes d = dipole; freq = linspace(60e6,90e6,200); s = s...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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How to specify a callback function for the CellSelectionCallback property for runtime created Tables in App Designer?
MrToad, It seems like MATLAB cannot locate the function. You could call the function from outside the app. Please see the app...
más de 1 año hace | 0
How to update AppUI Edit Field Text from different script ?
To call the the getpercentage function successfully, you need to feed it the property variables as an input, so add "app" as an ...
más de 1 año hace | 1
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