
Andres Adam


Con actividad desde 2023

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Application Engineer at MathWorks. My comments, suggestions, and opinions on the MATLAB Answers community are my own and do not represent MathWorks.

Programming Languages:
C++, MATLAB, Fortran
Spoken Languages:
English, Spanish


  • 3 Month Streak
  • Knowledgeable Level 2
  • First Answer
  • Solver

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How to create an air-water hybrid heat pump, an air-solar hybrid heat pump, and an air-water-solar hybrid heat pump using Simulink?"
I understand that you are looking at the air-source heat pump:

14 días hace | 0

Re-enable New Desktop
I see what you mean. Try this: Go to "Manage Add-Ons" Find New Desktop (Beta), which should be installed in your computer. Cl...

2 meses hace | 0

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Need advice on a circuit that connects two parallel resistance as a varying load
It looks like you just need to add a switch to the branch of the new resistance:

2 meses hace | 0

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How do I solve this error?: Matrix out of range for deletion
There is a lot of information missing in that piece of code, so it's very hard to find what is the actual issue and how to resol...

5 meses hace | 0

Rand in the constructor of a class and createArray
It seems that createArray is not creating a new object for each element, but rather creating one and copying on the rest of the ...

6 meses hace | 0

What is the best way to heat up a thermal liquid ?
Using a "Heat flow rate source" block is usually my go-to for adding heat to a Pipe (TL) and many other fluid blocks with a ther...

7 meses hace | 0

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How do I label the points in a multidimensional scaling plot?
Hi Stephen, check out the first example in the documentation of cmdscale: T...

7 meses hace | 0

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Cummulative Summing in Simulink
Hi A-Rod, you are right: we usually need a loop in this situation. A cumulative sum is usually done with a "memory" block like t...

7 meses hace | 0

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Fibonacci sequence
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number. Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... Examples: Input...

más de 1 año hace