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Add margin to pdf files using exportgrahics function
Hi @Amit Patel, There are two ways to add padding to figures saved by exportgraphics: 1. Use Padding parameter. Please note th...
1 día hace | 0
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Is it possible to schedule the sample time in Simulink model? for ex. from t=0 to t=10ms time step=1e-5, for t>10ms time step= 1e-9
No, as per my understanding the step size is non-tunable during the simulation and cannot be modified. To use a different step s...
2 días hace | 0
Problem with operating two FMU blocks in one simulink simulation
Hi @Tom Bernand, I tried creating a simple example model with two Co-Simulation FMUs where output of first FMU is fed as input ...
2 días hace | 0
Java exception occurred: com.mathworks.toolbox.slproject.Exceptions.CoreProjectException: The archive file specified does not exist.
The error seems to imply that the archive file directory from which the project is being created does not exist. Please ensure t...
2 días hace | 0
Can anyone please tell me where can I find the path for com.mathworks.toolbox.slproject.project.creation.ProjectCreatorFromZip.validateArchive
The error seems to imply that the archive file directory from which the project is being created does not exist. Please ensure t...
2 días hace | 0
Simulation for buffer energy model
There's missing logic in the Monte Carlo simulation. muo_sum is initialized but never updated. muo_sum(i)=0; %Initialising mu_o...
2 días hace | 0
How to extract data out of coi of wcoherence?
Try comparing the y coordinates at a given time stamp to the values present in the coherence matrix and coi vector. Pseudocode ...
2 días hace | 0
How to use external ode solver in Simulink
Simulink supports cosimulation between components with local solvers or involves external simulation tools. For example, co-simu...
2 días hace | 0
Simulink Model does not run simulation - initializing never stops
It's possible that the step size determined by the solver is too small, which is why the model seems to run indefinitely. Try th...
2 días hace | 0
How can I generate code using embedded coder for a model that I have as FMU (FMU import block or otherwise) ?
Code generation for Simulink model with FMU block is supported. Here's the details: FMI Version 3.0 is supported from MATLAB R2...
2 días hace | 0
Update bus selector by matlab script
For Bus Creator block, the signal name can be changed programatically. However, for Bus Selector block, the Input Signals is a r...
2 días hace | 0
Use of bus selector
You can achieve this by using Switch block from the Signal Routing Library and connecting the output of this block to a Scope. T...
2 días hace | 0
Does Matlab FMI export will support operating FMU serialisation function ?
exportToFMU function provides the argument EnableFMUState - Option to export model to FMU with FMUState. This is valid for Co-Si...
29 días hace | 0
Simulink.fmuexport.ExportSimulinkProjectToFMU not found in command windows (Matlab R2018b)
I tried using the command Simulink.fmuexport.ExportSimulinkProjectToFMU in MATLAB R2018b and it worked for me. Try clearing cach...
29 días hace | 1
How to run a simulink model with a "co-simulation" fmu and bus signals?
Check out these MATLAB Answers posts with the same error message: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2131646-fmi2e...
29 días hace | 0
How to automatically to load an FMU in Simulink 2016a? Has someone code?
After adding the FMU Import Block using add_block, you can set the FMU file using set_param: set_param(fmuBlockPath, 'FMUName',...
29 días hace | 0
Input and Output ports are not shown for imported Amesim FMU model.
You need to check if the FMU file you are trying to import has the expected number of inports and outports. You can confirm this...
29 días hace | 0
Export Standalone FMU with External C++ Code is not working
The error message indicates that MATLAB is unable to locate FMUExportWithExternalCPP.dll in its path, preventing the creation of...
29 días hace | 0
Replace FMU and reload it in the FMU block in Simulink
You can try the below commands to reset cache and path in MATLAB: rehash toolboxcache; rehash path; In your script you can us...
29 días hace | 0
Does MATLAB still allow for the use of Property Inspector to edit axis labels?
Property Inspector works as intended in MATLAB R2023b. I am able to modify labels and ticks in a plot using Property Inspector. ...
30 días hace | 0
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Open/Edit docs stored on Microsoft Teams
If your use case allows it, I highly recommend bypassing authentication to perform read/write operations directly within the Sha...
30 días hace | 0
Writing Hardware Drivers in Simulink -- Good Idea?
Hi @Brandon, you can try going through these resources to take a call on writing hardware drivers in Simulink: Device Drivers: ...
30 días hace | 2
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Cannot install Symbolic Math Toolbox.
You can purchase and download Symbolic Math Toolbox from here: https://www.mathworks.com/products/symbolic.html Contact MathWor...
30 días hace | 0
Simulink FMI 3.0 Binary data
The error you're encountering arises because the MATLAB Function block does not support the FMUBinary data type. Consequently, w...
30 días hace | 0
FMU export and import
Input and Output of FMUs are determined by the FMU file. The "Input/Output" panel here is used to configure bus object names for...
30 días hace | 0
FMU as Grey box
Yes, it is possible to use an FMU as a grey-box model in a parameter estimation task. An FMU can be thought of as similar to a s...
30 días hace | 0
How to preserve initial conditions of a model when compiling it as an FMU?
I tried exporting this example model of bouncing ball which has a second order integrator block and the output is used as input ...
30 días hace | 0
How can I write Log messages from FMU exported from MATLAB/Simulink
Follow this issue thread which includes an implementation of custom FMU log messages, along with an example model and FMU to dem...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 1
How can I export tunable parameters via FMI?
This is answered by MathWorks Support Staff in this post: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/468256-how-to-include-...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
simulink 如何封装成可脱离Matlab环境的可执行文件
Refer to this post from MathWorks Support Staff on generating an executable from a Simulink Model: https://www.mathworks.com/mat...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0