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How to plot dendrogram and stars for pair-wise significance levels in anova?
Something like this? load carbig X = [MPG Acceleration Weight Displacement]; [d,p,stats] = manova1(X,Origin); mano...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

create structure variable within loop using strings??
for dive = 1:10 for n = 1:3 data_split(dive).( ['n',num2str(n)]).('var')=var end end ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

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Is A./B different from B.\A?
Both are pointwise, but A./B divides every element in A by the same element in B. A.\B divides every element in B by the same e...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How to make long title for a plot with automatic line breaks?
Multiline can be done using this syntax: figure; str=['Line1', '\n', 'Line2']; s=sprintf('Hello\nGoodbye'); t...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

Matlab Newton-Raphson Solver - Catenary Problem
This is not the place to get a full solution for your homework. Here you are a few links to start your part: <http://es.mathw...

casi 10 años hace | 0

Remove "( )" from string words
You should use regexprep to replace anything that matches with parenthesis with an empty string; the pattern that matches any pa...

casi 10 años hace | 0

How to download audio (vocab) files from
Read this help link: < Download Web ...

casi 10 años hace | 0

Integration numerical with variable limits
There is a general solution using symbolic tools. syms x y fxy=1./x+1./y; xmin=0; xmax=2*y; ymin=0; ymax=+in...

casi 10 años hace | 1

finding minimum in a region
Hello: fminsearch solve unconstrained minimum problems only. If you need to impose restrictions you should use (for example)...

casi 10 años hace | 0

Is it possible to call on specific stimuli in a set and randomize it based on it's name.
You can do that using Regular expressions (so you can choose which files has the desired attribute) and the command dir so you c...

casi 10 años hace | 0

Sending DOS command to execute Matlab Function and getting the output back to DOS
You have the command 'dos' so u can interpret some DOS command line, and catch the result of it. I extracted a few lines in the...

casi 10 años hace | 1

Why am i getting an Inf value when i am calculating definite integral in symbolic math toolbox?
Your problem is that you are trying to integrate a function say F(y)=(Y-y)^2, but using t as integration variable. That means th...

casi 10 años hace | 0

comparing vectors for max and min
Functions max and min do the trick: a=randi(9,1,10) b=randi(9,1,10) vect_max = max(a,b) vect_min = min(a,b)

casi 10 años hace | 1

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Help with a System of linear inequalities (with 12 variables)
There is a simple way to solve the linear system of equalities, instead of using inequalities. You are trying to solve what is c...

casi 10 años hace | 0

How to solve this equation S= integrate((1-2*x).^2)./((x-x.^2).^2)) dt
This is how you should try: syms x f=((1-2*x).^2)/( (x-x.^2).^2 ) int(f) ans = 2*log(x - 1) - 2*log...

casi 10 años hace | 1

How to automatically continue running the program after an error.
You should try to catch the error using the structure try/catch structure: try statements catch exception ...

casi 10 años hace | 1

Can a youtube video be embedded in html via publish?
Here is a how-to example; try publishing this code: %% HTML + Youtube % <html> % <iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/h...

casi 10 años hace | 2

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How do we use blockproc to process my image to compute the difference?
*blockproc* function divide your image in block, you decide the size of the blocks, and applies the function you want to each b...

casi 10 años hace | 0

Why is the polyval command giving two different answers?
Instruction roots uses an iterative numeric method to approximate the solution in float arithmetic. What you get is an excellent...

casi 10 años hace | 0

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How to generate binomial data with set probability and covariation
You can generate values uniformily on [0,1], lets suppose you want to generate 100 random binomial numbers: N=100; x=rand(...

más de 10 años hace | 0

How to sort rows of a 2D array, such that all elements along a diagonal are non-zero?
I created the function check(A), so i can check if the property 'every row and column are not all zeros'. Its useful later: ...

más de 10 años hace | 0

How to define the range for reading a csv file
The problem here is that you can't predict how many rows the numerical data will have. I recommend extract all using a gener...

más de 10 años hace | 0

Resolve a Complex equation in a loop WHILE
I think you defined your functions badly. Try something like f=@(x)(1-((c*x/2)*(log(x+1)-log(x-1))))

más de 10 años hace | 0

How can I sum only few values in a diagonal matrix?
Sum=0; for k=1:3 % will sum 3 first diagonal elements Sum=Sum+A(k,k); end You can change the range k=1:3 with an arra...

más de 10 años hace | 0

Can someone please help me correct the error in my code? I'm trying to construct a superposition of two waves of equal amplitude and very similar frequency to create an envelope wave. Thanks
Check the parenthesis in the line: n(:,m) = 2*a*cos( ( (w2-w1)*t(m)*0.5) - ((k2-k1)*x*0.5))) *... cos( ( (w2-w1...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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How do I solve this particular error? First-time MATLAB user
Looks like you are using a function 'blind': there is not such command, and probably doesnt have a made up function. The poi...

más de 10 años hace | 0

I want to get numerical input value using Edittext box in GUI and to assign that value to a variable in my file and i want to display my output Back GUI

más de 10 años hace | 0

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how to plot 2D graph in GUI?
function exgui fh = figure( 'units','pixels',... 'position',[50 ,50 , 600, 500]); X=[2 4 7] Y=[4 6 ...

más de 10 años hace | 0

| aceptada

I am trying to find the positive roots of the equaiton y = ((exp(1).^(-0.2*x)))*(cos(2*x))-(0.15*x.^2)+1, but I keep getting the error message saying that there arent enough input arguments. I dont know what to do.

más de 10 años hace | 0

saving an image with plot
You can export as an image the content of the plot window using 'print' command. As an example, I used this line print('-d...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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