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Control GUI with a script
Hi @Gabriel Bischof, To plot data inside the axes of an App, you can design a simple app in MATLAB App Designer with axes. In...

1 día hace | 0

Generate edit text boxes by providing their numbers in GUI
Following Rik's comment, here is a simple function using loops to generate edit field. function generateDynamicEditFields() ...

4 días hace | 0

NaN Error in "App Designer"
Hi @Florian Falk When debugging the code with a breakpoint on line 26, it appears that "app.RatedURLs" is being updated with ...

5 días hace | 0

Creating a field to display/edit variable in the uitoolbar
Hi @Dinesh Natarajan, From the documentation of 'uipushtool', only icons and images can be added to it. You can have UIContro...

7 días hace | 0

How can I plot a plotsomhits inside an app using app designer?
Hi @Paul Buckland The MATLAB function 'plotsomhits' plots the data after creating a new figure. There is currently no argueme...

8 días hace | 0

Sequential Triggering and Synchronization Across Multiple Tabs in MATLAB App Designer
Hi @BHARATH To handle processes from different tabs and execute them in a sequential manner while handling data from each tab...

8 días hace | 0

PID Controller to DC motor using MATLAB app designer and arduino
Hi @CHETAN CHINNIKATTI, To send values for PID controller from arduino and recieve speed in RPM you can use the "MATLAB Suppo...

8 días hace | 0

Generating duplicate IDs when creating requirements tracking links
Hi @JinWook Park, The link created by 'slreq.createLink' is for a requirement having a description. Multiple requirements can...

9 días hace | 0

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Property Inspector for custom classes
Hi @.json I understand you want to group properties in the Property Inspector and require a way to have rich editors for colo...

9 días hace | 0

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Is Matlab-Home edition eligible for the BeagleBone Black Hardware Support Package?
Hi @benn nguyen, The “MATLAB Home” is designed for personal use and does not include all the features available in the prof...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Seeking help to fix a bug where variable comparisons in my code are performed within the same group instead of across different groups as intended.
Hello Isabella, I understand you want to compare variables across groups. The current implementation sorts the mean of “coe...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Simulink Coder, cc1.exe error
Hey @Alexander The error message you are encountering, "cc1.exe: out of memory allocating 4072 bytes" suggests that the GCC ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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Converting a Simulink circuit to C-code
Hi Brian, I understand that you want to extract specific parameters from Simulink model like output voltage, temperatures, a...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

gmake trying to use folder that doesn't exist?
Hi @hannah The issue you're encountering arises from gmake searching for a library folder in an incorrect location. The "li...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Operator '+' is not supported for operands of type 'function_handle'.
Hi @Demetris, It seems you're encountering an issue with function handles in MATLAB. A function handle is a versatile data ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Questions about operation with Serial Receive block
Hi @Kohei Sagawa, I understand you are experiencing slowdown in serial receive block while using Simulink. This should not be ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts error for unsupported filenames
Dear @Elikplim, It seems you are encountering an issue with “matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts” due to invalid MATLA...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Code generation for an S-function
Hi @Anh, I went through the documentation of CasADi tool. Although it supports self-contained C-code for a large subset of fu...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

How to build a graph like the triangle of velocity vectors
Dear @Beket, To make triangle in MATLAB figures you can write a function which takes the length of two sides and two angles...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Figure saved to PDF with wrong font when using special characters.
Hi @Andrzej, I reproduced the issue of the “Times New Roman” font not working with special characters. I found a workarou...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Generated code from Simulink has class definition final
Hi Thomas, I understand you are facing an issue with the “final” specifier during code generation in Simulink. I have fac...

2 meses hace | 0

what kind of basic FPGA system is needed for deep learning IP core generation?
Hi @KH, I understand you want to create your own FPGA evaluation board. When registering a custom board in MATLAB, includ...

2 meses hace | 0

My Matlab and solid works are two different systems, how to install the simscape multi body plugin for Matlab
Hi Sarvesh, I understand you want to install the Simscape Multibody link plugin without installing MATLAB in the system. ...

2 meses hace | 0

Import doesn't works when I use them in the 'startupFcn()' of APP designer
Hi Dyson, I understand you want to import packages in every method by importing them once. In MATLAB, the import stateme...

2 meses hace | 0

how can i split or divide a dataset into its different parts (an electroencephalogram [EEG] of 122880 samples into 16 pieces or channels)
Hi @Ri go, I understand you want to perform a Fourier transform on the EEG signal. In MATLAB, the ‘fft’ function do not ...

3 meses hace | 0

Scatter plot legend with multiple column ?
Hi Luca, I understand you want to create a plot with grouped legend markers. @dpb suggested a method, but here is another ap...

3 meses hace | 0

Why does App Designer include the full file path when packaging external helper functions?
Hey Rhys, I understand the helper function files in the installed package contain the entire path of the MATLAB function fi...

3 meses hace | 0

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Respondida interrupts rest of testing script until button callback function has completed.
Hi Gad, I've implemented a similar application using a "state button," "timer," and "VideoReader" to control video playback...

3 meses hace | 0

Automatically installing Add-Ons for users
Hi Eric, I understand that you want to install MATLAB support package for different versions of MATLAB. You can install MA...

3 meses hace | 0

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Can't open powerpoint file using mlreportgen.ppt.Presentation Class
Hi Chris, I understand you are facing an error while generating a PowerPoint presentation using MATLAB report generator. ...

3 meses hace | 0

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