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What is the purpose of "inputdlg"?
help inputdlg The command is used to get an input from the user.

alrededor de 13 años hace | 2

Barchart Values
Hi Jason, you can use "text" command to print text into a bargraph. You have to build the string using your y values. For the...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

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Image acquisition using multiple timers.
Hi Akshay, you can generate multiple timers in Matlab. timer1=timer; timer2=timer; with set method you can set the...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

ATP Simulink interface
Hi Shreesh, of course you can use any data to simulate something in Simulink. You can load your data into the workspace and ...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

increasing value in stateflow
Hi Luhur, assume you have 2 states. One is called increment the other is called nothing. With your S variable checked in a tr...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

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Receiving messages from the CAN via CANcase using Vehicle Network Toolbox(R2010b) and working with it in realtime.
Hi Karthik, realtime behaviour with the VNT is not easy to accomplish. Looking at your code you might be able to use the 'Mes...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

Hi murali, open GUIDE. Place a button on the gui. Go to the callback function logo = imread('Logo.jpg','jpg'); ...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

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Fixing the interval
Hi Kavish, % set xLim to start at 2 set(gca,'XLim',[2 10]); Gerd

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

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Save last figure position
Hi Adi, sure you can save the position of the figure. % get current figure paper position position = get(gcf,'Paper...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

out-of-memory problem
Hi Emanuela, please have a look at

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

How to convert Pascal to dB, knowing the microphone sensitivity?
Hi Coline please have a look at the webside

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

How does an m-file output appear in GUI axis?
Hi Sue, as Paulo stated it looks like you cannot select the axes with the imagesc command. A workaround might be to use ...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

How to set a value from code or callback to a edit text box
Hi danny, in your function edit1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) you can set the "String" value by typing set(hO...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

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Is there an easy way to localize an output (set the language)
Hi Clemens, I often use a cell arrays to do the language change, e.g. string{1}='Hello'; string{2} = 'Hallo'; lang...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

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How can I get the GUI to browse for a specific file?
Hi Sue, you can use uigetfile to open a dialog where the user can choose the file. Gerd

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

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Saving Figure Data into a Matrix
Hi Royi, you can use the getframe command. logo = imread('Logo.jpg','jpg'); image(logo); text(20,30,'Hello') f=...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

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number from simulink to guide
OK, now I think I know what you want. If you take a constant block in Simulink and write a variable name for the "Constant Value...

más de 13 años hace | 0

create an exe file
Hi armin, you need the Matlab Compiler Toolbox Gerd

más de 13 años hace | 0

Load constants from file
Hi Cristian, you can use the eval('') command to do what you described. First you have to open the file, read line by line a...

más de 13 años hace | 1

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plot point
Hi, use the interp1 function result = interp1(x,y,65)

más de 13 años hace | 0

Hi Nitesh, you can use set_param(gcs, 'SimulationCommand', 'start') or set_param(gcs, 'SimulationCommand', 'sto...

más de 13 años hace | 0

read name of csv-file and save as output
HI Mariska, use [PATHSTR,NAME,EXT] = FILEPARTS(FILE) to get the results Gerd

más de 13 años hace | 0

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Coordinates of manually selected point
Hi Suhas, you can use datacursormode to solve your problem. help datacursormode x=linspace(0,10,1000); y=sin(x); pl...

más de 13 años hace | 1

clear all axes handles in GUI
Hi Christof, I think your code should work. Please make sure you are using the right figure handle. Gerd

más de 13 años hace | 0

When you run your m-file and nothing is selected on the graph the position variable is empty. When your m-file is finished the p...

más de 13 años hace | 0

import multi type data in MATLAB
Hi Sarah, depending on your specific file you can use fid= fopen('File.txt'); textscan(fid,'%s%f.....'); fclose(f...

más de 13 años hace | 0

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Hi Armin, you can use datacursor mode. In the callbackfunction you can play with the points (x & y ) received from the cal...

más de 13 años hace | 2

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MATLAB serial communication via Bluetooth SPP
HI Christopher, did you connect the sensors after Matlab is running. It is always a problem for Matlab to show the correct Se...

más de 13 años hace | 0

Creating a line with "line" and obtaining the points.
Hi Silvia, first of all I would create a new vector out of your two "x" values(depending on your needs/resolution). Then usin...

más de 13 años hace | 1

How to save a variable from a function and use it in another function in MATLAB GUI?
Hi Asad, before the "first button" function end use mydata.value = "directory result" setappdata(gcf,'mydata',mydata)...

más de 13 años hace | 2

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