
Jan Orwat


Con actividad desde 2013

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Primarily dsp engineer, algorithm developer for sound processing for IoT. Hardware production specialist focused on prototyping, device testers designing and manufacture as well as introducing product for mass production assembly lines.

Programming Languages:
Python, R, MATLAB
Spoken Languages:


  • MATLAB Central Treasure Hunt Finisher
  • MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 Participant
  • Knowledgeable Level 3
  • 3 Month Streak
  • Cody Challenge Master
  • Magic Numbers Master
  • First Review
  • First Submission
  • MATLAB Mini Hack Participant
  • Treasure Hunt Participant
  • Matrix Patterns II Master
  • Introduction to MATLAB Master

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How to fit a different scale to an existing plot
Check if < this article from documentation> hel...

casi 8 años hace | 0

I'm trying to count the number of times the gui is being run on clicking a pushbutton. How to make the count continue even after the application is closed and started again. (i.e) if the count is 8 before closing ,it should start from 9 the next time
You may specify delete function which will be called each time application/gui is closed. Using this you may save all the variab...

casi 8 años hace | 0

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How to remove a pattern in a table column
assuming T - your table, and n - number of column containing these strings you can do as follows: T{:, n} = regexprep(T{:, ...

casi 8 años hace | 2

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How to do a fft from a sine signal with hanning function
You can try starting with something like this fs = 44100; % sampling frequency T = 1; % period, 1 second n = T*fs; ...

casi 8 años hace | 0

Working and non Working hours
Yes, you can. For example: % assuming your data in variable called datecolumn daytime = timeofday(datecolumn); openi...

casi 8 años hace | 1

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Algebra function with table and vector
If you want to work on tables in MATLAB functions < varfun> and <http://www....

casi 8 años hace | 1

Interpolation and getting errors
Note, you are trying to access |time(0)| when |t<30|. Matlab index arrays starting with 1. Probably changing |floor(t/30)| to |...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

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how can I join points along a two plots with straight lines?
add at the end something like that: hold on plot(reshape([x,x,x].',1,[]),reshape([ytop,ybot,ytop*NaN].',1,[]))

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

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Please how can I unstack a column of negative and positive values into 2 columns of positive and negative values respectively?
You can compare your data with zero. This will classify your data and you can use it to get what you want. Example based on y...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

How do I set my axis values down to zero when changing my y-axis to log scale?
There is no zero on log scale. Add one line on the end of your code: ... set(gca,'yscale','log') ylim([0.4, 3]...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

FFT and IFFT Problem (numerically and analytically result is not same)
This is caused by side effects of digital domain # You are calculating circular convolution instead of normal one. To make co...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

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Creating HDF5 file: How to create a GROUP inside a GROUP?
Use < Low-Level Functions> such as H5G.create to create custom/nest...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

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What are the disadvantages of using uppercase 'W' in fopen compared to lowercase 'w'
I guess some memory is used for buffering purposes. There should not be *any* differences in written data. 'W' or 'A' are faste...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 1

What is wrong with my code
Are _TH_max1:3_ scalars, vectors or arrays? _&&_ and _||_ may be used only with scalars. Try: if(all(TH_max1(:) >= 0.4) && ...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

how to find integral for this function
In MATLAB there is a difference between calling |*| and |.*| The same is for |^| |.^| etc. Change * |*| to |.*| * |/| to...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

Using ifft to get the Fourier Coefficient
N=256; X=2*N; L=2*pi; x=linspace(-pi,pi,X); c=0; k = 2*pi*((1:2*N)-N-1)/L; % vectorised y = sin(x); % don't understand w...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

Exporting table to excel
You don't have to join tables before exporting them. You can just create spreadsheet and then add other data in other sheets or ...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 3

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Dividing matrix in four parts
A = zeros(210,3); %example split = [40 60 30 80]; A_split = mat2cell(A,split); [B, C, D, E] = A_split{:}; doc mat2...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

Could someone please help me speed up my code?
# If you have to use loop, < preallocate> variable _RMS...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 1

How to rank a vector with repeats without MATLAB unique?
Do you want to replicate following behaviour? [~, ~, rank] = unique(data); rank = rank.'; There are thousands of ways...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

I have problem of ode45. please help me T_T
1. It seems your function rocket.m represents system of equations dH₁ = H₂ dH₂ = aH₁² + 127530 Verify, if it's what y...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

Problem with categorical arrays
(Copied from comments as suggested.) You are trying to make categorical array from a variable of mixed data types. categ...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 1

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I have a n X 2 matrix, but I want remove the points with a distance smaller than a threshold. And the data is random, which means the data position may be very far in the matrix but their distance is very close. Can anyone help me?
dataOut = uniquetol(dataIn, tolerance, 'ByRows', true); Above code should be a good starting point. In this case it would b...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

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Is there a way for breaking a loop iteration, if it takes to long?
One of the simplest ways for time control is to use tic and toc time0 = tic; timeLimit = 60*60*1; % 1 hour == 3600 secon...

alrededor de 8 años hace | 1

Why are title and x/y lable not listed in Children property of axes?
The answer is that those aren't axes children. Here is documentation page that mention it: <

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0

Rotate Meshgrid 45 Degrees
theta = 45; x2 = x*cosd(theta) - y*sind(theta); y2 = x*sind(theta) + y*cosd(theta);

alrededor de 8 años hace | 0


Circshift bug for sparse logical.
Hello, does anybody know if it has been reported? Circshift seems to shift sparse logicals properly, but changes trues to fal...

más de 8 años hace | 0 respuestas | 3



How do i get index of a closest value from an array?
Try something like this: divisor = 900; how_close_is = abs(mod(a+divisor/2,divisor)-divisor/2); index_chunk=find(how_...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

repalacement of string with phone numbers
You can try < regular expressions>: ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Concatenate Columns of Cells
Hello, I can see that date is of type string in your cell array and non-date fields are zeros (non-string). Assuming that in ev...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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