
Won Y. Yang

Last seen: alrededor de 1 mes hace Con actividad desde 2009

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Ph. D. in EE at USC, 1986 CAU Professor at the dept. of EE since 1986 Professional Interests: Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communication, Electric/Electronic Circuits,

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  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
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  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 5
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Active HPF Design with MATLAB - Sallen-Key type
This introduces a MATLAB function to create an active filter satisfying some specifications on the frequency response and draw t...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 3 descargas |


Discretization - Bilinear Transformation with Prewarping
This uses MATLAB to illustrate how the BLT with Prewarping preserves the frequency response of a CT system at a certain frequenc...

2 meses hace | 3 descargas |


Discretization - CT to DT System Conversion with MATLAB
We use MATLAB to compare the step responses and frequency responses of the z.o.h. equivalent and BLT equivalent with those of th...

2 meses hace | 0 descargas |


DC Analysis of 2-BJT Circuit and an NMOS Circuit using MATLA
This performs the DC analysis of 2-BJT Circuit and an NMOS Circuit using MATLAB and compares the results with PSpice simulation ...

2 meses hace | 0 descargas |


Solving a System of Nonlinear Equations using MATLAB
This illustrates how a system of nonlinear equations can be solved using MATLAB. Refer to "Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLA...

2 meses hace | 2 descargas |


Nonlinear Equation Solver with MATLAB
This shows how a system of nonlinear equations can be solved using nonlinear equation solvers like fsolve() or Newtons() in MATL...

3 meses hace | 1 descarga |


Transfer Function & Frequency Response with MATLAB/Simulink
Concept of transfer function and frequency response of an LTI system in their relational structure

3 meses hace | 1 descarga |


MATLAB Analysis and PSpice Simulation of an OP amp Circuit
MATLAB Analysis and PSpice Simulation of an OP Amp Circuit is performed to help understand the transfer function and frequency r...

3 meses hace | 1 descarga |


Matched Filter, Correlation, Convolution with MATLAB
This shows the relationship among matched filter, correlation, and convolution, performing MATLAB/Simulink simulation for illust...

3 meses hace | 4 descargas |


Impulse Response and Transfer Function with MATLAB/Simulink
This shows the relationship between the impulse response and the transfer function of an LTI (Linear Time-Invariant) system.

3 meses hace | 0 descargas |



Simulink Simulation of an OFDM (IEEE Std. 802.11a-1999)
Simulink model to simulate an OFDM with convolutional encoder, Viterbi decoder, interleaver, deinterleaver, puncturer, depunctur...

4 meses hace | 9 descargas |


Design & Implementation of RF Microstrip Filter
How to design and implement an RF microstrip filter (of Butterworth type) with stubs using MATLAB

4 meses hace | 2 descargas |


Design & Implementation of RF Microstrip Filter with Stubs
It shows how to design and implement an RF microstrip filter with stubs using MATLAB

4 meses hace | 1 descarga |


Simulink Simulation of coherent 4-FSK passband signaling
This shows Simulink simulation of coherent 4-FSK passband signaling (modulation & demodulation) and measure the SER (Symbol Erro...

4 meses hace | 6 descargas |


Simulink Simulation of noncoherent BFSK passband signaling
This shows how to simulate noncoherent BFSK passband signaling and measure the SER (Symbol Error Rate) with Simulink.

4 meses hace | 2 descargas |


MATLAB Simulation of noncoherent BFSK passband signaling
This shows how to simulate the noncoherent BFSK passband signaling and measure the SER (Symbol Error Rate) with Simulink.

4 meses hace | 1 descarga |


MATLAB Simulation of noncoherent FSK passband signaling
This shows how to simulate the noncoherent FSK passband signaling and measure the SER (Symbol Error Rate) with MATLAB.

4 meses hace | 2 descargas |


MATLAB Simulation of coherent FSK passband signaling
This shows how to simulate the coherent FSK passband signaling and measure the SER (Symbol Error Rate) with MATLAB.

4 meses hace | 3 descargas |


MATLAB Simulation of PSK passband signaling to measure BER
This shows how to simulate the PSK passband signaling and measure the BER (Bit Error Rate) with MATLAB.

4 meses hace | 4 descargas |


MATLAB Simulation of DPSK passband signaling
This shows how to simulate DPSK passband signaling and measure the BER (Bit Error Rate) with MATLAB.

4 meses hace | 2 descargas |


Simulink Simulation of DPSK passband signaling
This shows how to simulate DPSK passband signaling and measure the BER (Bit Error Rate) with MATLAB.

4 meses hace | 2 descargas |


Simulation of QAM passband signaling with Simulink
This is an slx-file to simulate QAM passband signaling, using Sine wave, Window Integrator, Downsample, Error Rate calculation, ...

4 meses hace | 2 descargas |


Design & Implementation of RF Microstrip Filter Using Stubs
This MATLAB script designs an RF microstrip filter using stubs.

5 meses hace | 2 descargas |


How to get around the weird response of ilaplace()?
An alternative is suggested to get around the weird response of ilaplace() expected to return the inverse Laplace transform.

5 meses hace | 1 descarga |



MATLAB analysis & PSpice simulation of 3-phase power system
It illustrates MATLAB analysis & PSpice simulation of a three-phase power system with power correction.

5 meses hace | 2 descargas |


1D Parabolic PDE (Heat Equation) with Crank-Nicholson method
1D Parabolic PDE (Heat Equation) with Crank-Nicholson method, MATLAB function pdepe()

5 meses hace | 2 descargas |



2D Parabolic PDE (Heat Equation) - ADI method
2D Parabolic PDE (Heat Equation) - ADI (Alternating Direction Implicit) method with MATLAB

5 meses hace | 4 descargas |



MATLAB Simulation/Animation of Double Pendulum
It performs the MATLAB simulation/animation of a double pendulum exerted by some force.

5 meses hace | 4 descargas |



MATLAB Simulation/Animation of an Inverted Pendulum with LQR
From the plotting results, you will see the following: - x(t) and θ(t) converge to their reference (desired) values 1 and 0, res...

5 meses hace | 3 descargas |



Circuit Systems with MATLAB and PSpice
PDF file amd M-files for the book "Circuit Systems with MATLAB and PSpice"

más de 5 años hace | 5 descargas |

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