Stijn Haenen
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Plot points with different brightness
That is possible by making a RGB matrix, for each point you need one row with RGB values. In the example below i used gray scale...
más de 2 años hace | 1
Error using powershell.exe: 'Select-Object' is not recognized
I want to get information about serial ports via the powershell. I got the results i want, when I write some line of code in co...
casi 4 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0
respuestasUsing matlab find power dissapated by 8ohm resistor and current supplied by 10v source
That is not a matlab problem, just use the formulas: P=I*V & V=I*R
más de 4 años hace | 0
Serial port is not working
Oh i solved my own problem, i should use int8 commands: fwrite(s, [hex2dec('64')], 'int8');
más de 4 años hace | 0
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Serial port is not working
Hello, I am working with the USB-RLY82 from robot-electronics.co.uk I have connected this device to the computer and it is av...
más de 4 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0
respuestaAppend a row to a workspace table
If you have two tables for example: a=table(); a.Var1(1,1) = 1; a.Var2(1,1) = 1; a.Var1(2,1) = 3; a.Var2(2,1) = 3; b=tab...
más de 4 años hace | 0
How to find all possible paths from point A to B in any direction in a matrix?
With this script you got all possible paths, but it is very slow so you have to optimize it (shouldnt be that hard but dont have...
más de 4 años hace | 1
objects of one class into another class
If you have these two classes: classdef clwinding properties d w end methods function...
más de 4 años hace | 1
objects of one class into another class
If you define for example your class like this, you can multiply two object values: classdef BasicClass properties V...
más de 4 años hace | 1
How to delete/copy (store) rows of a struct?
You can delete the last 13 rows with: struc.data=[1:45]'; struc.data(end-12:end)=[];
más de 4 años hace | 0
how to solve a 5th degree equation and write a loop function with it
use the functions syms and solve: syms x solve(x==a*b*(1-x)^5)
más de 4 años hace | 0
Create results .txt files with loop
you can create txt files with: FP=fopen(sprintf('test%g.txt',1),'wt'); fprintf(FP,num2str(data)); fclose(FP);
más de 4 años hace | 0
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How can I make a scatter plot with different markers ?
maybe somthing like this: symbol_list=['*';'+';'o';'<']; for i=1:4 scatter(x(:,i),y(:,i),symbol_list(i)) hold on en...
más de 4 años hace | 0
Create row with text from loop for a table
you can create table headers with: a=table(); for i=1:10; a.(sprintf('bar %g',i))=i; end
más de 4 años hace | 0
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Continuous Spectrogram from multiple wav files.
Something like this: data_tot=[]; >> for i=1:numel(files) data=audioread(files(i)); data_tot=[data_tot ; data]; end...
más de 4 años hace | 0
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how to identify leap years
There is a leap year every four years, so you can use this: if mod(year,4)==0 'leap year' else 'not a leap year' en...
casi 5 años hace | 0
Creating a data matrix that self generates.
somthing like this: count=0; m=zeros(100,1); rand_int=datasample(1:100,1); m(rand_int)=1; old_matrix=reshape(m,[10 10]); f...
casi 5 años hace | 1
how can i solve this error?
You should use this: x=1:0.1:6; for i=1:numel(x) h(i,:)=z2+(x(i)-ls)*z4; end or even without ':' x=1:0.1:6; for i=1:numel...
casi 5 años hace | 0
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print the element of a matrix
a=-Inf; for i=1:numel(matrix(:,1)) if matrix(i,1)>a; a=matrix(i,1); end end disp(a)
casi 5 años hace | 1
print the element of a matrix
You can use: a=max(matrix(1,:)); disp(a) to disp the max value from the first row, or b=max(matrix(:,1)); disp(b) to ge...
casi 5 años hace | 0
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How to join two points, on a 'map', created with the command 'ginput'?
You can use this code, which contains the function ginput_norm: https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/75469-ginput...
casi 5 años hace | 0
ginput with normalized coordinates of the figure window.
Graphical input from mouse.
casi 5 años hace | 1 descarga |
replace updated data with previous data in Matlab while Matlab and excel are linked.
Make a while loop in which matlab reads the data from the excel file every minute or every hour. You can generate a script that ...
casi 5 años hace | 0
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Reading and Replace lines in input data for many lines
What about creating a new txt file in every loop and overwriting the existing file2.txt instead of replacing lines?
casi 5 años hace | 0
What is z1 appearing when solving this nonlinear system for x y and z?
You can try to use the function vpasolve instead of solve
casi 5 años hace | 3
Legend with different text color and Latex Interpreter
I dont think it is possible to change the color with the latex interpreter. It can be used to make text bold for example and ins...
casi 5 años hace | 0
How can I create a point shapefile from a csv (or matrix) with lat/long columns?
Im not sure what you want, but maybe this can help: for i=1:1780 T.(sprintf('var%g',i))=sprintf('var%g',i); end This cre...
casi 5 años hace | 0
plot fails with -Inf
you can use Px(isinf(abs(Px)))=0; to set all -Inf values to 0
casi 5 años hace | 0
How do I display the output of my stats_
Im not sure what you mean. With the command 'gcf' you get all the stats of the figure. The stats of the maskImage are in your ...
casi 5 años hace | 0
How can I perform region growing with two seed points?
Can you upload an image, and give examples of the values: I,x,y,x2,y2,reg_maxdist1,reg_maxdist2, then we can run the code and ch...
casi 5 años hace | 0
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