How can I solve this complex 4 equation with 4 unknowns variables
You can specify 'MaxDegree' as input to solve() syms K1 K2 K3 K4 equ1 = K2+K4-36 equ2 = K2*K4+K3+K1-486 equ3 = K2+2*K2*K3+2*...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

Do I need to uninstall another version of MATLAB before installing an new version with different products?
MATLAB installations are independent of each other. You can delete the previous installation directory directly before installin...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Contour plot of XYZ data
Try this x = hfm(:,1); y = hfm(:,2); z = hfm(:,3); xg = linspace(min(x),max(x)); yg = linspace(min(y),max(y)); [Xg, Yg] ...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

How to find inverse kinematics given D-H parameters?
First create a rigidBodyTree from dh parameters:

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Building an Neural network with multiple inputs
The 10 in the line feedforwardnet(10, 'trainlm'); have nothing to do with the number of inputs. You can put any number here. I...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Questions about making websites that run user applications
One option might be to use the MATLAB App server, but it seems that it is basically designed for an organization's internal use,...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

How to hide web browser while using web function
Which function are you using to download the data? You can use websave():

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

machine eps related query
It happens because of finite precision of double() precision datatype:

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Add markers to a contour plot
It is not possible with single call of contour(). You need to hold the axes and then make a seperate call to plot() or scatter()...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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How to Use?: New "Name=Value" Syntax for 2021a
I don't have access to R2021a, but I guess it is supposed to be something like this plot(XData,YData,'LineStyle=-','MarkerSize=...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

How can I generate an Impulse Train of specific Sampling Frequency?
Try this T = 1; x = -5*T:5*T; stem(x, ones(size(x))) ylim([0 1.5])

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

how do I shade area under graph with specific x interval?
Try something like this a=10; t=0:0.1:200; c_L=0.2.*(1-exp(1).^(-1/a.*t)); t_shade = 60:0.1:200; c_L_shade = 0.2.*(1-exp(...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Solving Equations in MATLAB
There is no general solution to such a problem. A common way is to specify several starting points for the numerical solver and ...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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How can I generate the Hankel matrix using the measured datapoints?
Try something like this y = [0 1 3 5 7; 0 2 4 6 8]; k = 2; % Y rows in output matrix [m, n] = size(y); i = hankel(1:n); i...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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displaying RGB colours using SURF.
You can use texture mapping to display an RGB image on a surface(). See here:

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

how to calculate the average for each row of cell array
First use cell2mat() and then apply mean() along rows R_mean = mean(cell2mat(R), 2)

alrededor de 4 años hace | 1

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How to add trendline to scatterplot?
Something like this x = [2 1 4 68 4 5] y = [5 4 2 23 21 50] p = polyfit(x, y, 1); px = [min(x) max(x)]; py = polyval(p, ...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 5

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Generating and plotting functions.
The exponent also contain abs() function. You can write it like this t = -1:0.1:3; y = exp(-abs(t)/5); plot(t,y) Also, the u...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

Why unifrnd(lb,ub,[nPop,D]) gives error?
This cannot be done in single call to unifrnd. You need a for-loop lb = [0 0 0 0]; ub=[10 10 pi pi]; nPop=30; D = numel(lb); ...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

Calculating mean of different ranges in a Table
There are several ways to do this in MATLAB. Following shows one option M = rand(900, 10); C = mat2cell(M, 300*ones(size(M,1...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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How can I add column with for loop
The question is not clear. Are you looking for something like this url = {'nam1', 'nam2', 'nam3','nam5', 'name5', 'nam6'}; x...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

Phase portrait of the system in a rectangle
You can use quiver(). For example, [x,y] = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,20)); dx = 2*x-y-5; dy = 3*x-2*y-9; quiver(x, y, dx, d...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Interpolation over datetime for 2 arrays
Your data is not directly in the correct format for interp1(). You first need to pre-process your data. For example CGM_date = ...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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please help me with this
Use square brackets instead of parenthesis in the definition of eqns syms t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 eqns = [-0.7591*t1+0.3789*t2 == -...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 1

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function repeat number?
combvec() from the Deep learning toolbox is most easiest solution a = [1 2 3] b = [1 2 3] C = combvec(a, b).'; % if the order...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 1

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Calculate the mean of multiple 3D arrays layer by layer
I am not sure why you are concerned about the layers. You are just taking an element-wise average of two matrices. Talking about...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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How do I create a function that solves systems of linear equations of N size?
"Is it possible to make a function like this?" Yes. Just name it something else, since size() is a built-in function. x = mySi...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

function day is not working in matlab 2020a
Function day() is defined for datetime input arguments. For example >> t = datetime('now'); >> day(t) ans = 21

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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problrem for desactivate MATALB on my old PC
Try deactivating the license on the old PC using the license center: Go to this link, sele...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 1

Export big subplot problem
Which command are you using to save the pdf file? Are you using the GUI? I suggest using the exportgraphics(): https://www.mathw...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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