
Jayaram Theegala

Last seen: alrededor de 1 mes hace Con actividad desde 2016

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How to do data process in matlab by output the largest value at a same time step
You can find the unique values of the 'Time' column which you can use to form groups. Then you can simply use the max function t...

más de 4 años hace | 0

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How to perform size optimization using MATLAB and ANSYS
I think you'll find the following MATLAB Answers post that talks about MATLAB and ANSYS interaction helpful: https://in.mathwor...

casi 6 años hace | 0

How to use .xlsx file to import data in a list?
You can use the "xlsread" function to read the text data that you want. [~, txt] = xlsread('D.xlsx'); % This should return you...

casi 6 años hace | 1

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Parfor hangs during execution
Hello Andrea, In order to understand the issue better, can you try reducing the number of iterations on your first loop, by s...

alrededor de 6 años hace | 0

Improving performance of Matlab execution called from Java process
Hello Igor, You are correct about the Process Wide Locking of MCR, and to improve the performance, you can consider using MAT...

más de 6 años hace | 2

Using other data in Excel add in
If I understand the use-case correctly, you want to avoid loading the big matrix from the MAT file for every function call. You ...

casi 7 años hace | 0

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How to access an online movie database and output data?
Looks like the website is providing REST API for accessing the data. After getting the API key(generally websites provide that a...

casi 7 años hace | 0

Is it possible to add a listener to a python object?
You can use MATLAB Engine API for Python. The following documentation has an example that shows how to call a function in MATLAB...

casi 7 años hace | 0

Write in SQL-Database
As you mentioned, the error that you are facing could be because of the difference in the datatype of the cell contents. If the ...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

Matlab 2017a will not install
This error may occur if you have set "MATLAB_JAVA" environment variable for a previous version of MATLAB. For more information a...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

[bug] boolean to uint8
If you want to convert any numeric class type to "uint8" datatype, you can use the "uint8" function. For more information, click...

alrededor de 7 años hace | 0

Read many data blocks from text file
Since the date that you are dealing with has the same number of columns, with the same delimiter, you can use the "readtable" fu...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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Is it possible to datalog several audio channels while time-stamping the data from either the PC clock or a USB GPS module?
It is possible to get the timestamps relative to the start time of the acquisition using the "startForeground" function in Data ...

más de 7 años hace | 0

how to implement a sum of square pulses encoding a data message
You can use functions from Symbolic Math Toolbox for achieving what you are trying to do. The "rectangularPulse" pulse function ...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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What are the ROS versions compatible with the robotics toolbox?
In general, different ROS distributions (Groovy, Hydro, Indigo) can communicate with each other, as long as they agree on the de...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Create custom NARX net
You can use "closeloop" function to connect output to the first layer, in other words to convert a neural network into a closed ...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Is it possible to adjust page setup options in Excel with MATLAB?
You can use the "actxserver" command in MATLAB to create Excel COM object and then use the functions exported by the COM object ...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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Why do I get "error 5 running command" during unzip/installation
There are several reasons for the "error5 running command" error to occur. The following MATLAB Answers post provides detailed i...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Matrix is Singular to working precision
The warning "Matrix is singular to working precision" occurs if the matrix for which you are trying to calculate the inverse is ...

más de 7 años hace | 9

segmentation fault on startup linux
This could be a known issue, that affects Ubuntu and its derivatives. Can you try the solution suggested in the following MATLAB...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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ifft plot time domain
The time points matter only if you are thinking of a signal in continuous domain. The "ifft" function gives you discrete values ...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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How to read iiregular mixed numeric and string data
As KSSV has suggested, you can use the "readtable" command as shown below to read the data from your file as a table: readt...

más de 7 años hace | 0

How to convert a BasicDBList or BasicDBOject
You can import the necessary MongoDB jars to MATLAB and then call the "toString" method of "BasicDBObject"/"BasicDBList", by doi...

más de 7 años hace | 1

How to get for/while loop to continue loop around?
If you want to repeat both/one of your "while" loops, you can use "while" or "for" commands around your existing loops. In o...

más de 7 años hace | 0

How to find exact indoor wall corner using corner detection ?
As you may already know, there are some functions in Computer Vision System Toolbox, for instance "detectFASTFeatures" which det...

más de 7 años hace | 1

Is there a quick way to shift real data points?
"delayedT" variable in the above MATLAB script can have decimal values, and if you try to use it for indexing with "LabResponse"...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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stock graph with error bars?
The "highlow" function generates the kind of graph you are looking for. Although it takes 'high', 'low', 'close' and 'open' as a...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Greenhouse controlled with matlab and arduino with sensors and actuators
Are you sending commands to Arduino from MATLAB in a loop? If you want the heater to work for a while (in other words, having th...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Mingw-w64 Compiler Installation Error
Thanks for the input. We are exploring alternate ways for users to obtain the MinGW compiler. In the interim, the following FA...

más de 7 años hace | 0

'Run Script as Batch Job' error
As may already know, the "runAsBatchJob" function should be present in the distcomp(Parallel Computing Toolbox) folder. >> ...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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