W. Owen Brimijoin
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Column vector with interval
There are two ways to approach this and I think you're conflating the two: Here's one option colvec = [2:-.1:0]'; He...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 3
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Simple operation with vectors
Location of the max y values as the index into x: x(y==max(y))
alrededor de 10 años hace | 0
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how can i get the average of group of rows in time series?
I might suggest a function I have <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47142-timeseries-indexer-labels-timestamp...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 0
How do I fix this uigetfile multiselect error?
Don't know if this is the cause of your problem, but I can say that uigetfile in 'MultiSelect' mode has the bothersome behavior ...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 0
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how to mix two audio signals
Simple mixing is just adding. y3 = y1 + y2; If you want to control the level of each within the mix, then you need to ad...
alrededor de 10 años hace | 2
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how to calculate element distance in a vector?
Try this: answer = sum((abs(diff(M,1,2))),2)
más de 10 años hace | 2
how to calculate element distance in a vector?
It looks like you want the sum of the absolute value of the differential of those numbers? You get your first answer like this: ...
más de 10 años hace | 1
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How to put wav file as input argument of a function ?
You need to load the signal that's in the file 'Songbird.wav' into the Matlab workspace first: stimulus = audioread('Songbi...
más de 10 años hace | 0
generating aperodic impulse train or triangular pulse or rectangular pulse
It's a bit hard to know exactly what parameters you are after, but if all you are doing is making a click train with randomly ch...
más de 10 años hace | 0
Issues exiting from a while loop when the figure is closed
I often need to make functions that can be terminated by a user who doesn't have access to the keyboard (and thus the all-powerf...
más de 10 años hace | 2 respuestas | 1
respuestasIs there any way of producing a 4d plot from a matrix which has 4 columns (coordinates + value)?
It's generally difficult to provide an intuitive graphical representation of high dimensional data. But, and mind you I say this...
más de 10 años hace | 0
How to speed up normalization of an array
You don't have to use bsxfun three times in that line, just the once. Try this simpler line: selfn = bsxfun(@rdivide,selfn,...
más de 10 años hace | 0
Multiple vector output in a function
You need to specify that you want *both* outputs: [X,Y] = element_select(A,B,astart,astep,bstart,bstep) X = 1 ...
más de 10 años hace | 1
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How do i know a 'cancel' button or the 'cross' button is pressed in inputdlg?
You could do this by checking whether the output of the function is empty: answer = inputdlg('enter your name'); user_ca...
más de 10 años hace | 0
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how to find maximum value from a matrix then add a value to it and then replace that in the same matrix?
This ought to do the job! a=rand(4,10); a(a==max(a(:))) = a(a==max(a(:)))+0.001;
casi 11 años hace | 1
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Assigning a vector to multiple rows of a matrix
You could try using indices instead of subscripts: %pick the rows in B you want to your A values to go into: r = [1 3 5]...
casi 11 años hace | 0
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Repeative selecting unique values of matrix
Ok, now I understand what you're trying to do. The first three values will always be the first three three from user 1, then the...
casi 11 años hace | 0
Repeative selecting unique values of matrix
You don't really need the three vectors to begin with, you can make a matrix containing a random permutation (randperm.m) of the...
casi 11 años hace | 0
How can I (for a digital signal) estimate the interval between steps of amplitude 1?
The code you've included doesn't work because we don't know what the variable 'step' is defined as. You might have more luck fir...
casi 11 años hace | 0
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pad vector between its values
If you find regular array operations more straightforward to follow than cell functions, you could create an array that increase...
casi 11 años hace | 1
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Simulating a random sample from a matrix
So for each row you want to randomly pick either the first or the second column, correct? This would result in 88 total values t...
casi 11 años hace | 0
How can i index various objects using a variable in their name?
You can dynamically refer to different edit boxes by enclosing the field name in parentheses and supplying the numerical argumen...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 1
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time user input as soon as they start typing
Per is exactly right, this sort of a question calls for the use of the KeyPressFcn. The idea is to make a figure that waits f...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 0
Extract length of data in a structure
If you are intent on avoiding a for-loop, then you could try converting the structure to a cell array and then using a cell ...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 0
Shuffle vector with constraints
A brute force method works fairly well in this scenario - 1) start with a shuffled version of the sequence, 2) find repeats, 3) ...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 1
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Shadowing built-in functions
I've always taken a stupidly simple approach to this problem: I just type what I am planning to name the variable into the comma...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 1
find closest Coordinates to a point
In your example, you are returning A, rather than the closest point in B... assuming that the answer you are looking for was act...
más de 11 años hace | 8
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convert a range vector of bin centers to bin edges. Bin Centers and edges are non-uniform
If we assume the simplest case, that the edges should be precisely between the centres (i.e., not geometric, or logarithmic, etc...
más de 11 años hace | 0
indexing a vector by a power
You could accomplish this without using a for loop as follows: n = 4; p = 2.^cumprod([1,2+zeros(1,n-1)]) this results...
más de 11 años hace | 1
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Range of atan2, confusion when using coordinates of a photo
You'll need to subtract the XY centre of your image from the points before you measure the angle using atan2. The following code...
más de 11 años hace | 0