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Set Equivalent Circuit Battery Block Parameters

Set the Equivalent Circuit Battery block parameters to the values determined in step 3. To investigate setting the block parameters, execute the Step 4: Set Equivalent Circuit Battery Block Parameters commands in the Example_DischargePulseEstimation script. The experiment runs at two constant temperatures for three RC pairs. The Equivalent Circuit Battery block parameter values are summarized in this table.

ParameterExample Value

Number of series RC pairs


Open circuit voltage table data, EM

EmPrime = repmat(Em,2,1)';

Series resistance table data, R0

R0Prime = repmat(R0,2,1)';

State of charge breakpoints, SOC_BP


Temperature breakpoints, Temperature_BP

TempPrime = [303 315.15];

Battery capacity table

CapacityAhPrime = [CapacityAh CapacityAh];

Network resistance table data, R1

R1Prime = repmat(Rx(1,:),2,1)';

Network capacitance table data, C1

C1Prime = repmat(Tx(1,:)./Rx(1,:),2,1)';

Network resistance table data, R2

R2Prime = repmat(Rx(2,:),2,1)';

Network capacitance table data, C2

C2Prime = repmat(Tx(2,:)./Rx(2,:),2,1)';

Network resistance table data, R3

R3Prime = repmat(Rx(3,:),2,1)';

Network capacitance table data, C3

C3Prime = repmat(Tx(3,:)./Rx(3,:),2,1)';

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