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Update Architectural Data section from ARXML definitions

Since R2024b


    updateArchitecturalData(arxmlImportObj,dataDictionary) updates the Architectural Data section of dataDictionary with architectural data definitions found in arxmlImportObj. If no data dictionary exists, then Simulink® creates one.


    updateArchitecturalData(___,OpenReport=OpenReportValue) specifies whether the AUTOSAR Update Report opens once the Architectural Data section is updated.



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    Add new or existing architectural data to the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.

    Import the relevant ARXML file by using the arxml.importer creation function.

    arxmlImportObj = arxml.importer("ThrottlePositionControl.arxml");

    Use the updateArchitecturalData function to update an existing data dictionary with definitions found in arxmlImportObj. Specify the OpenReport name-value argument so that the AUTOSAR Update Report opens.

    ### Saving original dictionary as myDataDictionary_backup.sldd
    ### Creating HTML report myDataDictionary_update_report.html

    Input Arguments

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    Imported ARXML file, specified as an arxml.importer object.

    Example: arxmlImpObj = arxml.importer("myFile.arxml")

    Example: updateArchitecturalData(arxmlImpObj,"myDict.sldd")

    Filename of data dictionary with the Architectural Data section to update, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Include the file extension .sldd in the filename.

    Example: updateArchitecturalData(arxmlImportObj,"myDict.sldd")

    Data Types: char | string

    Option to open the AUTOSAR Update Report upon updating a data dictionary, specified as either "on" or "off".

    • "on" — The report opens.

    • "off" — The report does not open.

    Example: updateArchitecturalData(arxmlImportObj,"myDict.sldd",OpenReport="off")

    Data Types: char | string

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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