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Create loglog plot of microarray data


maloglog(X, Y)
maloglog(X, Y, ...'FactorLines', N, ...)
maloglog(X, Y, ...'Title', TitleValue, ...)
maloglog(X, Y, ...'Labels', LabelsValues, ...)
maloglog(X, Y, ...'HandleGraphicsName', HGValue, ...)
H = maloglog(...)


X, YDataMatrix object or numeric array of microarray expression values from a single experimental condition.
NProperty to add two lines to the plot showing a factor of N change.
TitleValueA character vector or string to use as the title for the plot.
LabelsValueA cell array of character vectors or string vector containing labels for the data in X and Y. If you specify LabelsValue, then clicking a data point in the plot shows the label corresponding to that point.


maloglog(X, Y) creates a loglog scatter plot of X versus Y. X and Y are DataMatrix objects or numeric arrays of microarray expression values from two different experimental conditions.

maloglog(X, Y, ...'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) calls maloglog with optional properties that use property name/property value pairs. You can specify one or more properties in any order. Each PropertyName must be enclosed in single quotation marks and is case insensitive. These property name/property value pairs are as follows:

maloglog(X, Y, ...'FactorLines', N, ...) adds two lines to the plot showing a factor of N change.

maloglog(X, Y, ...'Title', TitleValue, ...) allows you to specify a title for the plot.

maloglog(X, Y, ...'Labels', LabelsValues, ...) allows you to specify a cell array of character vectors or string vector containing labels for the data. If LabelsValues is defined, then clicking a data point in the plot shows the label corresponding to that point.

maloglog(X, Y, ...'HandleGraphicsName', HGValue, ...) allows you to pass optional Handle Graphics® property name/property value pairs to the function.

H = maloglog(...) returns the handle to the plot.


maStruct = gprread('mouse_a1wt.gpr');
Red = magetfield(maStruct,'F635 Median');
Green = magetfield(maStruct,'F532 Median');
maloglog(Red,Green,'title','Red vs Green');
% Add factorlines and labels
maloglog(Red,Green,'title','Red vs Green',...
% Now create a normalized plot 
                'Normalized Red vs Green','FactorLines',2,...

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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