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Return positions of array elements

Since R2020b


    positions = getElementPosition(cfg) returns the positions of the array elements for the input Bluetooth® low energy (LE) angle estimation configuration object. The object function uses the origin of the local coordinate system as the first position of the first antenna of the antenna array.



    collapse all

    Create a default Bluetooth LE angle estimation configuration object.

    cfgAngle = bleAngleEstimateConfig
    cfgAngle = 
      bleAngleEstimateConfig with properties:
                ArraySize: 4
           ElementSpacing: 0.5000
        EnableCustomArray: 0
             SlotDuration: 2
         SwitchingPattern: [1 2 3 4]

    Return the positions of antenna array elements.

    positions = getElementPosition(cfgAngle)
    positions = 3×4
             0         0         0         0
             0    0.5000    1.0000    1.5000
             0         0         0         0

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Bluetooth LE angle estimation configuration object, specified as a bleAngleEstimateConfig object.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Positions of array elements, returned as a 3-by-N matrix, where N is the number of array elements specified by the cfg input. Each column in pos defines the position of the array element in the form [x; y; z] in the local coordinate system.

    Data Types: double


    [1] Bluetooth Technology Website. “Bluetooth Technology Website | The Official Website of Bluetooth Technology.” Accessed November 22, 2021.

    [2] Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). "Bluetooth Core Specification." Version 5.3.

    [3] Wooley, Martin. Bluetooth Direction Finding: A Technical Overview. Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), Accessed December 6, 2021,

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b

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